25 | Tomb

782 79 18

AUGUST 7, 2018

Under the circumstances, Alphian managed to smile in front of her best friend's tomb, with the name of her best friend's child written. She closed her eyes, feeling a sting.

"I'm sorry." Tears fell down her eyes, caressing the tomb as she sat down on the ground with an apologetic smile. "I still can't do it, no, I can't bear to do it yet. Please give me more time, Yoojona." 

Alphian bit her lips in guilt before saying in a sad tone, and fingers felt the child's track of name letters on the tomb. "Your Godmother is very sorry for being selfish." 

Arms felt weak, fell on the ground as she sang a song, choking on every every words. "D-Do you know, a m-muffin man, a muffin m-man, a muffin man. Yes, I know a muffin man, who lives in—"

A man's voice suddenly interrupted. "I think it's not appropriate for you to visit your best friend's tomb." 

She turned around, eyes blinking with tears still streaming. "Jin?"

"Alphian," he called, coming forward towards her. "The more you come here, the more you'll feel guilty with what you're currently doing."

"I know." She chuckled, sadly. "Should I stop everything?"

Jin's eyes widened in surprised. "Then everything you had dealt with will be in vain."

"I don't really care anymore," Alphian shook her head. "I just want him to be happy, and nothing more. I bet he was supposed to be—"

"You already guaranteed with your life." Jin sighed. "Remember what you promised to Him."

She gulped. "I know."

"Go home, and get a rest." Jin said. "Then talk to him, the time is ticking. Tell him the truth if you really want him to be happy, and your deal will be invalid. If not, then continue what you are doing, and lose your life."

"I will." She nodded before she stood up, dusting herself up, and making her way out.

"Alphian?" Jin called, and she turned around to face him with confusion written on her face.

"I want you to live as well, and be happy."

author's note:
want to finish this already!!

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