33 | Call

360 39 0

AUGUST 22, 2018
7:29 PM


May our love prevail in the most peaceful way. That was my only wish, however, why is it that I could feel even more a large gap between Green and I? Was it because I upset her? What could be wrong for her to be distant towards me? Was my words too harsh for her? Did it really made her that mad?

"Girls are so confusing." I snarled, and sighed before grabbing my phone to see the time nearing. 

Instead of receiving a message, I was startled when it suddenly rang a ringtone. My eyes widened, and astonished when Green's name appeared on the screen while the ringtone continue to sing. On top of that, she is initiating a video call? 

Do you know a muffin man, a muffin man, a muffin man. 

My eyebrows furrowed in confusion. The ringtone seems familiar rather than me knowing it's a nursery song. It felt like there was more to this song. Of course I know everyone knows this song, but other than that, why is my heart twisting just by hearing this ringtone? Is it because it's the one I always sang just like what Green told me?

Yes I know the muffin man, who lives in drowry lane.

I bit my lips, picking up the phone call with my heart pumping loudly and thumping out of excitement as if it wants to pop out from the joyness that I am currently feeling. I am finally able to get a face to face talk with the one I love. This time, I must apologize with our faces facing each other.

"H-Hello?" I stammered, completely out of breath just by the thought of seeing Green's face for the first time.

However, I was not met by a woman, rather, I was met by a little young girl that made me drop my mouth. All this time I was talking to a little girl, and now a woman?! My girlfriend is a minor?  I could accept a 30's lady but a minor?! What the hell is happening!

"Who are you?" The little girl asked, and I shook my head trying to process everything. No, no. She must be Green's neice. She's quite familiar as well.

"Pretty girl, is your aunt there?" I asked nicely, and she raised her eyebrows with her head tilting to the side.

"Aunt?" She pressed her lips into thin line, probably thinking what I meant before her lips turned up with a grin. "I don't have an aunt. I have an uncle though!"

I huffed. "Uncle?" 

"Yes!" She smiled, prettily. If this was Green's niece. I could imagine how pretty Green now is.

"You're pretty!" The little girl said out of nowhere, and giggled, pointing at me.

"And so are you." I chuckled, shaking my head before my attention went back to the cute little girl. 

"Yoona!" A woman's voice boomed out of knowing making me startled, and my heart started to beat loudly once again. Is that Green's voice? Is it?

A smile appeared on my lips, surprised by the beautiful voice resonating the room, and my heart was filled with anticipation. My whole attention was caught by the screen, seeing it pitch black. What happened? Was the phone thrown away?

I could hear a murmur from the other line that could be the young girl's voice. "Mommy?"

I stiffened, speechless. Mommy....Who is mommy?! Green already have a child? No! No, let's not jump to conclusion. Green never talked about her having a child. 

"What were you doing?!" The woman growled at the child. I could clearly hear what they were saying even though the screen is pitch black. Plus, they're speaking rather loudly for me to hear enough.

"Who was that mommy that it made you angry?" I could hear sobs coming from the little girl.

"Alphian? Yoona? What happened?" A man's voice asked out of nowhere making my heart dropped to my stomach, and chest tightened.

I could see the phone having a bright light already, and the screen showed an unfamiliar man with his eyes widened with clear disturbance writted across his face before quickly pressing the end call. 

My lips pressed tightly, a familiar feeling of my gut twisting as I muttered in low tone. "Who was that?"

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AUTHOR'S NOTES: please don't forget to vote for more updates!

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