26 | Love

796 77 4

AUGUST 7, 2018
7:29 PM

Love was all the reason she could not do it yet. It was the most selfish thing she had done but this time, she wants herself to be happy too, and that happiness she found is in Jung Hoseok. He was the man who made her happy even with her nonexistence in his eyes. He was perfection in her eyes that made her heart beat again.

She blinked, eyes watching the clock as the long stick ticks towards the 12, and now it's 7:30 p.m.

seen 7:30 pm

Seokie ♥️
Yes, my love?
seen 7:30 pm

How funny,
you have different
nicknames for me
every single day.
seen 7:30 pm

Seokie ♥️
Of course, no endearment compares my love for you.
seen 7:30 pm

seen 7:30 pm

Seokie ♥️
Do you want more?
Honey? Boo? Love?
seen 7:30 pm

No. Just having you
by my side is enough.
seen 7:30 pm

Seokie ♥️
Is something wrong?
Why do I feel like something's off?
seen 7:30 pm

It's nothing, really.
seen 7:30 pm

Seokie ♥️
No matter what it is,
I'm always here for you, alright?
seen 7:30 pm

I know.
You will always be there for me.
seen 7:30 pm

Seokie ♥️
I love you.
seen 7:30 pm

She stopped typing, putting her phone down as she whispered with a year tickling down her ashen cheeks. "I know you really don't, and I know you won't, soon."

She glanced back to the clock, and she knows it's more than a minute now. But still, she tried to text him back.

I love you more than
you ever imagine, Jung Hoseok.
message failed to send

"Thank you for the time being." She smiled sadly at her phone that failed to send her reply. "Thank you for the temporary happiness."

She brought the phone towards her lips, kissing it lightly. "I will cherish it forever, and remember everything."

author's notes
I'm slowly revealing it all ♥️

author's notesI'm slowly revealing it all ♥️

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7:30 PM | jung hoseokWhere stories live. Discover now