30 | His Plan

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AUGUST 22, 2018
7:29 PM


And encouragement is what I should be giving her right now, especially get her without her willingness because if I will, will she be sad? It's not like I can do it so easily because of the deal she has with Him. I could not just grab her away from this mess until she voluntarily wants to go and be away with me or unless she finishes everything that. That was her goal after all. 

He has given her plenty of time, but still, she is dragging everything. What is really her plan? If I were her, I could just poof and be with Hoseok already, and then the deal will be sealed after everything. But then again, it must've been not easy for her as she contemplated everything and started doubting her decisions. To add that up, I kept on convincing her to stop all of these.

I sighed, shaking my head before my eyes landed at her weak body again, and then eyes landed at her phone that lights up. I could tell that Alphian and Hoseok are fighting.

I'm really sorry, Green.
Please forgive me.
sent 7:30 pm

"What am I going to do with the both of you?" I groaned as her phone continues to light up for messages, and vibrates. "Jung Hoseok, what are you going to do if you find out the whole truth? Will you still love her or just discard her away?"

I looked at the weak and fragile girl.

"And you, Alphian, he is just draining your energy. Why do you keep on wasting yourself away for someone like him who didn't appreciate you back then?" I huffed, covering her entire body with the blanket, properly.

"What good would it be for you to do this to the extent just to slave yourself away?" I closed my eyes, scoffing in disbelief. "It would have been better if you just silently walked with me back then. Why make things worse than it is?"

"Then I wouldn't have met you." A female voice suddenly said, and I looked down the weakly Alphian who was just staring right back at me with a sad smile written on her face and her eyes looking droopy. "If it weren't for the things I did, I wouldn't have met a good friend." 

"What friend." I huffed, rolling my eyes. Could someone like me be friends with someone like you?

"You are my friend even though we are different in the eyes of people." Alphian replied. "We are not that much different, you know? That's why I really want to thank you for always being there for me even though I know that every single day, you really want to take me away already."

"I so badly want to get you out of this misery. Why did you even start all of this? You could've gone with me, and that is done. Why did you have to make things so complicated?" I retaliated.

"It wasn't only me, Seokjin." Alphian stared at the ceiling. "He has planned it all."


"Did you really think He would want me to go with you?" Alphian said making me froze. What? "In the first place, He wants me to be the peace of this world, and help Him give prosperity by being His right person."

"You really..."

"He, who has power of everything can at least do that much." Alphian smiled before falling deep inside her consciousness again from the weakness that drains her system.

Author's notes: I'm honestly stressed out over my work.

Author's notes: I'm honestly stressed out over my work

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7:30 PM | jung hoseokWhere stories live. Discover now