07 | Bother

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JULY 11, 2018
7:30 pm

It invaded Hoseok's mind— the fact that the mystery girl only messages him at exactly 7:30 in the evening, and questions started to arise in his mind as he stared at his phone, waiting for the time to hit 7:30 pm. What could be the reason that the girl he have just known just texts him at this time only, and not only that, she is always on time to text him. Even end up at the same time, just a minute conversation. It's pretty frustrating in his part for him to wait from morning to night.

"What could go wrong for her to message me more than just a minute?" He huffed, pacing back and forth, not that happy over waiting until the time. "Why couldn't we just have a normal conversation?"

Finally, his alarms goes off causing his heart to burst, and a smile ghosted his lips without him knowing before he abruptly opened his phone to check the girl's message. His frustration finally goes off when the message popped out.


I'm tired.

What again?
seen 7:30 pm

are you annoyed?

seen 7:30 pm

I'm sorry if I'm a bother.

you are always a bother.
seen 7:30 pm

damn i read that
as a brother.

seen 7:30 pm

Sorry for being a bother

Hey! I was just kidding!
seen 7:30 pm

I know. :)

You're not mad.
seen 7:30 pm

Why would I be mad?

I don't know. For
being cold to you?
seen 7:30 pm

You are not.

What's your name?
sent 7:31 pm

I have no motivation at all

a/n:I have no motivation at all

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7:30 PM | jung hoseokWhere stories live. Discover now