31 | Sorry

421 46 1

AUGUST 25, 2018

7:28 pm

Tired of everything, Alphian managed to open her eyes as she tried to reach out for her phone while Seokjin isn't around to nag her to sleep more because if he finds out now, he would probably stop her and just nag her to keep on resting. He would blabber non stop on how she should keep her energy for the following days in case something big will happen.

Staying up for days isn't a good idea as it drains her energy from time to time, and if that happens again, no one knows how many days she will wake up just like what happened today. She just woke up from 2 days rest, equivalent to the days she stayed awake because her body doesn't even have any energy left. If that's the case then, she won't be able to talk to Hoseok without him knowing why she haven't communicated with him.

Still, this was a better consequence than texting Hoseok passed the time limit she was given by Him. Days of sleeping or resting is only equal to the days of draining her energy unlike forcing to text more than time limit given, where it will be more than days, and depends on the punishment He would give.

Do you remember the muffin man song?
seen 7:30 pm

Hoseokie ♥️
Isn't that what you
sent to me back then?
What is with the song anyway?
Rather than it being
my favorite one.
seen 7:30 pm

seen 7:30 pm

Hoseokie ♥️
You aren't even answering me. 
Anyway, back then, 
it's funny because I was mad

at you for texting me.
seen 7:30 pm

And then?
seen 7:30 pm

Hoseokie ♥️
I was honestly overwhelmed
But now, you're my girlfriend.
seen 7:30 pm

Alphian's heart felt like it leaped out of her own chest as she gasped, eyes widened in surprise before a blush appeared on her cheeks. She gulped down her saliva, breathing deeply before tapping her phone to reply to him.

I'm your girlfriend huh
seen 7:30 pm

Hoseokie ♥️
Yes, now shut up.
seen 7:30 pm

What a way to ask me out.
seen 7:30 pm

"You'll probably regret later on." Alphian said in a low tone as she smiled sadly. She knows he'll regret everything he said once he finds out the truth of everything in which she hopes that he won't but nonetheless, he will find it sooner or later. The lies are bound to be found out anyway.

Hoseokie ♥️
I'm sorry If I did this out of the blue,
because I just realised I need you more than I know.
you are my everything now.
I apologise if I ever did something that upsets you.
seen 7:30 pm

I'm sorry too.
seen 7:30 pm

For what?
seen 7:30 pm

For not communicating you for days.
seen 7:30 pm

It's fine. It's not a big deal.
Even if it's a million years, I can still wait for you.
seen 7:30 pm

"Million years, my ass." Seokjin groaned, rolling his eyes, and Alphian snapped her head to see him. "Let's see how he'll handle the truth considering his personality."

"How would you know his personality?" Alphian asked, and Seokjin chuckled.

Alphian frowned when her eyes landed at the clock that sayd 7:31 pm already before she forced out a smile at Seokjin. "You know, even at her death, she still look up to him."

"You're looking out for him as if you're fullfilling a wish. Well, we couldn't deny that since that was her wish. To look out for him, and it was also for your own selfishness." Seokjingroaned, rolling his eyes, and Alphian nodded before she put down her phone and wrapped her arms around her legs.

Seokjin noticed how gloomy the situation became, and turned to ask her. "What's the problem?"

"I really really want him and I to be together." She sighed, closing her eyes.

"That entirely depends on Hoseok." Seokjin answered back.



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7:30 PM | jung hoseokWhere stories live. Discover now