23 | Don't

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AUGUST 6, 2018
7:30 PM

Coming out of his room all the way to the kitchen, he shook his head as he clenched his jaw and fist tightened. He couldn't understand anymore on what kind of emotions he was currently feeling, and was too overwhelmed.

"What is happening to me?" Not only is he feeling tired, he didn't also get much sleep because of his girl leaving him without any answers.

He glanced at his watch again, furrowing his eyebrows before grabbing his phone from his pocket. He bit his lips, and then pursing them together as anxiety rushes up all the way to his system. He felt nervous.

What about butterfly?
seen 7:30 pm

My Diamond ❤💎
Jung Hoseok, just what are you thinking right now?

I'll call you butterfly.
seen 7:30 pm

My Diamond ❤💎
Why are you suddenly doing this, Hoseok?

I don't care if I sound desperate but...
seen 7:30 pm

Please don't leave me, Green.
seen 7:30 pm

Batch of tears steamed down his cheeks as his body trembled in both fear and petrified. He couldn't handle this insane feeling— the feeling of loneliness.

Please don't think of leaving me.
seen 7:30 pm

My Diamond ❤💎
What are you talking about, Hoseok? How could I leave you?

My Diamond ❤💎
Hoseok, you won't be lonely anymore.
I love you, okay?

He let out a shaky breath before typing, slowly.

I beg of you.
sent 7:31 pm

His heart twisted, head feeling dizzy. He choked on his words. "Just why?"

He tried to stand up but it was too light a his sight turned dark, and completely enveloping him. His entire body falls down to the floor, not letting the phone go as he gripped it tightly.

I'll try to update as much as I can.

I'll try to update as much as I can

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7:30 PM | jung hoseokWhere stories live. Discover now