38 | Message Failed

336 31 0

AUGUST 23, 2018
7:30 PM


For real, I could die just by waiting for Green's text for like more than half a day. Just imagine, waiting for someone without any communication at all except for just that one minute. I just wanted a text from my woman even though I have the ability to text her first, but whenever Green texts me first, I could feel chills in my spine every single time. It makes me excited, mind happily dancing around.

Greenie 💖
How have you been?
How's your day?

seen 7:30 pm

I grinned with my body happily dancing around the room with my phone up in the air as my hands typed the words on the screen. I wonder how Green's doing, I wonder how her day went, and what she did the whole time. I wanted to know more about her ever since she told me more about it. I'm craving about her.

I'm okay, what about you?
How was your day?

seen 7:30 pm

Greenie 💖
It's good. 
I met some friends
on the way home. 

seen 7:30 pm

Friends? Who?
seen 7:30 pm

Greenie 💖
Just some old friends I met.
seen 7:30 pm

seen 7:30 pm

Greenie 💖
I have to go.

seen 7:30 pm

"Huh? She have to go?" I froze, body stopped and abruptly typed my reply.

What? Why?
Did something happen, Green?

seen 7:30 pm

Greenie 💖
Seokie...my life is draining out.
My energy is basically wasting 
without even doing anything at all.
 I need to rest for a while.

seen 7:30 pm

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. What could it be that made her text like this. Should I be worried? For some reasion, I became nervous as my heart thump before fumbling on the screen, replying.

What do you mean?
seen 7:30 pm

Greenie 💖
I'm getting tired.
My daytime rest wasn't
enough to last this conversation.
I'm sorry, Seokie.

seen 7:30 pm 

What are you talking about, Green?
I get that you're tired.
But what else were you blabbering about?

seen 7:30 pm

Greenie 💖
I won't be able to talk
to you for a few days.
I'm sorry, my love.

seen 7:30 pm

Why not?
I don't understand you, Green.

sent 7:30 pm

My eyes squinted at my last message. What is this? The message that I sent said 7:30 pm, and to think It wasn't even seen but sent? Did something happen to her? This is the first time that Green ever did this. Should I be worried? 

What is happening, Green? 
What life are you talking about? 
Answer me!

message failed to send.

Please answer me!
Are you perhaps dying?

message failed to send.

Green please!
I am panicking!
Please talk to me.
At least  seen this message!
I won't allow you to die!

message failed to send.

What am I going to do Green if I lose you?
What am I going to do when I don't even have any idea if you're still there!
What should I do, Green?
At least give me a sign that you're still there!

message failed to send.

I love you, Green.
Please talk to me.
Tell me you really aren't dying.
Please, Green.

message failed to send.

Worry was all Hoseok could think, and roaming around was all he could do. He was panicking with his body trembling, not having any idea what to do. He took a deep breath as he picked his jacket and running towards the door. He opened the door and before he could react, darkness filled his eyes and mind.

AUTHOR'S NOTES:  advanced updates available on HINOVEL.COM


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7:30 PM | jung hoseokWhere stories live. Discover now