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I felt a pung in my stomach for some weird reason. I noticed Chuck's and Minho's worried voices asking me 'what's wrong' and 'Thomas?' but all I could say was;

"Are they... a thing?" I mumbled.
...Why did I even care?

A weird voice popped in my head saying 'you're jealous'
But that couldn't be the case 'cause I didn't like Newt...
At all.

Yes, Thomas, you don't like Newt! If you did, you'd feel sad that he is probably dating that freaking bastard

I was so right sometimes, I felt proud

Minho and Chuck both looked at the two and Chuck happily waved at them. Gally rolled his eyes at the happy kid and Newt kept his gaze away. His mind seemed to be elsewhere.

"Well, they are cute together!" Chuck said happily and I felt a wave of jealousy rush through me. Jealousy as in HAPPINESS. Yep. That's it. I was happy for them! Because, like I said, I didn't like Newt.

Minho looked at them and visibly tensed up a bit "Um... I'll be back" He said carefully, and then rushed out towards the 'happy couple' -QUIT IT THOMAS-.

He grabbed Newt by the forearm and lead him to our table..? What? Why would he do that? And why was my heart starting to beat faster the closest they came..?

Minho sat on his previous position-across me- and Newt sat down next to him. I looked between Minho, Newt and Gally-who was now seated in another table, eating with Alby and some others- and... I was confused. What was all that about?

Wait... was Minho...jealous? Did he like Newt..? I felt something faintly stir up inside of me at the thought..

Stop it Thomas! You don't like him! Plus, Minho is your friend! And if someone ever had a chance with Newt between you two it's obvious it would be him since Newt kind of hates you. AND let's not forget that Newt is probably dating Gally AND-

"Shut uuuuup" I groaned in frustration and  pressed my hands forcefully to my ears. Obviously, my sudden outburst made a lot of Gladers look at me and cast me curious glances, but they all just shrugged it off quickly, going back to eating their food.

"Umm... you okay, Thomas?" Chuck asked concerned and I sighed.

"Yeah. Sorry, I kind of remembered something.. I um- got to go" I said embarrassed, a deep blush starting to form on my face as I stood up to leave, when someone grabbed my wrist, stopping me, dead in my tracks.

"Forgot this" He said and gave me my necklace- I didn't know why I had it but I was wearing it when I had woken up in the box-. I looked into his eyes. Newt's eyes. They hid so many things in them. I felt shivers run down my spine as he was holding my wrist. I gave him an awkward smile and mumbled a small 'thank you' before I left.

I didn't know if I liked-no, if I was interested in him- but one thing was for sure. The guy was a mystery. A puzzle I wanted to solve.

My secret- NewtmasWhere stories live. Discover now