25 (part2)

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...Gally just stabbed Newt...

Everyone started screaming and panic filled the place

I didn't know what to do.. After all, what could I do? I was tied up in a tree... I couldn't even see him. Neither could I hear him due to the immense noise..

My eyes looked at everyone's faces desperately pleading them to do something. To help me. To help Newt

My eyes were blurry... was I losing consciousness? No! Thomas, you can't pass out right now! Newt needs you..

My head throabed and I felt like I was dying. Hell, I felt like death it self! ...Is this what you feel when you lose someone important to you..?

No! Shut up Thomas! Newt is not dead yet! Maybe Gally just stabbed his arm or something! We... we are going to leave this place. Leave 'the Glade'. Together. Me and him... I don't know how, but I'll find a way! Whatever it takes!

I looked up and saw Minho yelling at Gally... I had never seen him like that...I couldn't make out his words but it seemed that even Gally had started to become slightly scared. Minho punched him but then I started to get even more dizzy than before and my eyes started losing the ability to focus...

Suddenly, I heard someone whispering to me..

"Thomas.." The person shook me "Thomas! Get up! You and Newt need to get out of here!" ...it was a girl's voice...

"I'm tied up... I can't leave.." I mumbled liflessly at the unknown girl "..Mom is that you..?" I said and giggled like a drunk high school girl

"Ouch!" My mum smacked my head bringing me slightly back to my senses "Theressa?!"

"Who else, dumbass?" She said in her usual tone

And don't you dare call me 'mom' again or I'll kill you myself

I stared at her, unable to react. I felt like I couldn't do anything at all. Then she hugged me "Thomas, I know what you're feeling right now-cause I can obviously hear your thoughts-but it's going to be alright... I promise" She said and gave me a genuine smile "Minho has found an escape route on he maze but kept it a secret from Gally and the others because its a one-time thing or something and since its still day time you won't have any problems so take Newt and get the fuck out of here"

All of this seemed great but I was still tied up in a tree. I was about to protest about it but when I looked down, the ropes were cut and my hands were free. What the hell? Did someone cut them? I unconsciously looked up and saw Alby looking at me with a smile on his face and a knife on his hand-that was the first time I saw him with a genuine smile-and I finally got the courage to smile back at him, showing him my greatfullness.

Theressa helped me get up and I hugged her one last time. She was crying but her tears weren't sad ones like the ones from before when we fought, but tears of happiness "I'll miss you..." she whispered in my ear

"I'll miss you too..." I replied and slowly broke the hug. I had to take Newt out of there and fast. I looked at Theressa and she gave me a small nod then run towards Minho-who had apparently gotten into a fight with Gally-

I quickly turned at the other side of the tree but before that, I made sure to take some deep breaths and prepare my self for what I was about to see...

There, on the roots of he tree was a motionless Newt with a large wound on the right side of his stomach covered in blood. His clothes were also strained in blood and there was blood coming from his mouth

And then I lost it

My mind went crazy and I swear, I almost had a heart attack then and there. My hands were shaking and I wanted to cry so badly but no tears came. I didn't know for how long I was there looking at him when a chubby boy shaked my arm

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