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I didn't talk. I just stayed there in silence trying to understand what was happening...

Newt and I saved Alby and Minho and survived a night in the maze yet one of us had to die!?

..how could they possibly do something like that to us!?

I mean... If they have to kill us, why kill just one of us? No, why kill us in the first place!?

I closed my eyes tightly. This was no time to be sad, angry or to even cry about it. I got up and headed towards the only person that came to my mind.

Newt's POV

How.. Why...

Why would they decide something like that....?

Just when I decided that I didn't want to die... That I wanted to live. With Tommy. My Tommy..

I saw Thomas suddenly get up and start heading somewhere. ...Should I follow him?


I heard a disembodied voice which left me dead on my tracks. It was toneless and it sent unpleasant chills to my whole body. I slowly turned around to be met with the sight of him grinning- his usual grin-

"H-hey.." I spoke in a low voice and he leaned into my ear.

"Come with me" he whispered and started pulling me towards his tent, without waiting for my reply. My eyes widened in terror and I gulped. He wouldn't...now ...right..?

We entered his tent and his smirk grew bigger. I looked away trying to come up with a way of escaping. Gally sat on his bed and undid his pants. He then pulled me to my knees and spoke in a cold voice "Suck it" My eyes became watery while I shook my head furiously "I said shuck it, Newt"

"N-No!" I said, on the verge of tears and he let out a bitter laugh

"Playing hard to get, aren't we?" I didn't reply "...Well, I hope you're not forgetting what will happen if you don't obey me, huh..?" I felt myself start to tremble as I heard him spoke. I bit down on my bottom lip, trying with all my power not to let my tears fall.

"Now, be a good boy and do as I say" He said smugly. I bit my lip harder, despair starting to overflow my whole body. There was no way out of it... There never was. Tears started streaming down my checks as I brought myself closer to him and obeyed his words.

*1 hour later*

Thomas' POV

My head was spinning.
I had find Newt. I needed to find him.
But where the hell is he!?

My walking eventually turned into running, and I soon found myself running towards Newt's tent. However, when I arrived there, I was greeted only by Minho. Damn it!

"Where's Newt?" I said in rushed tone and Minho gave me a confused look.

"Why do you-"

"Just answer me, Minho!"

"Okay, okay relax dude... Well, I don't know... I haven't seen him since this morning with you..." My eyes widened.

"Fuck" I cursed and run out of their shared tent.

Wait. I never checked my own tent...

I run as fast my legs could take me- Which was actually pretty fast considering I was a runner- and in my relief, Newt was sitting on my bed.

"Newt! For fuck's sake! Are you alright? Where were you?"

"...Here..." He said in a whisper

I paused, worry washing over me by his broken tone "...Did something happen?" I asked in a small and more gentle tone than before, but he simply shook his head. I sat next to him on the bed and saw that he was avoiding my eyes. I tilted his head with my hand so he was facing me and saw that his eyes were red and puffy.

"Were...- Were you crying!?" He pushed my hand away and shook his head again.

"Show me your hand"

..he stayed quiet

"Newt! Show me your hand!"

He still remained quiet so I grabbed it myself. My eyes widened in rage.

"...So I was right after all, huh? That's why he did that to you at this hour.." I said and laughed bitterly at myself. Newt gave me a confused look.

"He did it again, right?" Newt didn't look me in the eye but it was obvious he was a little taken aback from what I said.

"...H-how did you know...?"

I run a frustrated hand through my hair and sighed. "... I had a little talk with Alby before"

"...you mean when you left..?"



And so I went to the only person that came to my mind..

"Alby!" I yelled and run to him. His head turned at my direction.

"Thomas" He said in his usual emotionless tone.

"Why you...- Why are you going to punish us??"

He tilted his head slightly to the side like he was confused "..You did violate a rule of ours, didn't you?"

"Yeah! But thanks to that we fucking saved your life!" I said, aware that the tone of my voice was raising every passing second.

He stared at me blankly "I'm aware of that and I'm really grateful. But.. Rules as are rules, don't you agree?"

"If rules are rules then tell me, Alby. Where exactly is that rule written, huh? 'Cause, honestly, it's the first time I fucking hear of it" I spoke through gritted teeth. I knew that Alby wasn't against us and that he was just trying to maintain peace in the Glade, but at the moment everyone seemed suspicious to me...

"The rule is to get you to the maze so you can die, but since there's a chance that you can survive again, why not kill you right away and prevent you from suffering?" He replied in a straight face and I stood there, in silence. I honestly didn't know what to do or feel... I kind of felt betrayed by Alby and desperate by the whole situation... Alby, feeling quite guilty, sighed "..it wasn't my idea, y' know"

I nodded my head without thinking and bit my lip to prevent my tears from falling. There was no way out.. I would never be able to forgive myself if I let Newt die. I knew I was the one who had to die but.. If that happened.. Would everything return to the way they were..? With Gally and Newt and..-

"Fuck! What the hell do I do?" I yelled in frustration and Alby gave me a sad look "I..I can't just...-" Shit... What was I saying? Alby mustn't learn the truth.. I got up and rushed outside, his words finally sinking in..

'It wasn't my idea..'

(*End of flashback*)

"I mean, this morning,... Don't you remember Gally talking to Alby after he spotted us?" Newt was speechless as I continued talking "Just think about it.. Why would Gally do that with you at this hour when he always does it at night? That can only mean that he already knew that one of us was going to die... Which was quite impossible since the only people who knew about Alby's decision were you, me and the person who gave Alby 'advise'.... So, In other words... Gally is behind this"


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