25 (part 1)

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I tried to fight back the tears in my eyes. Tears of sadness, tears of uncertainty... They were all mixed together making me feel vulnerable and scared. I took some deep breaths trying to calm my self while never stopping reminding my self his words... I mean, that's what he wanted... I should be happy... Right?

I bit my lip and then I felt the boy beside me tighten his grip on my hand... Yeah.. At least I still have him... I looked at him and he smiled at me, his eyes telling me 'don't worry everything's going to be alright...I'm here'

...after everything that happened... I just couldn't believe we were actually leaving... leaving this hell hole called 'the Glade'... Leaving all our friends and memories behind...

"Tommy...let's go.." He said lowly and I managed to smile slightly... 'Tommy'...I haven't heard that in a while... Yet, every time I hear it, it always manages to make me feel warmth and safe... I nodded slightly and we started walking away... Without looking behind us...not once

5 hours ago

"Thomas, It's time" Alby said and I froze

This couldn't be happening!

What do I do?!

I gulped and without answering quickly started running away from Alby when I felt two strong arms grab me from behind. When I looked behind me, I saw Gally and I instantly gritted my teeth in anger. I kicked at his dominance leg with all of my might and he groaned loudly in pain

"You shit! Don't you dare shucking kick me!" He yelled and Alby silenced him with a wave of his hand

"Thomas, I would appreciate it if you could cooperate with us and stop trying to escape" I was seriously dumbfounded by Alby's words. Is he seriously asking me to cooperate with the people who want to kill me!? Is this like a brain-wash kind of technique?!

Gally started dragging me and I saw Alby giving me-once again- the same apologetic look. Like, seriously?! Dude, if you give me that look why not as well help me out of this situation?! ...Gally continued dragging me towards, well, my death, and everywhere I looked, in everyone's faces was the same expression. An expression filled with pity and nothing else... It was like I was already dead in their eyes... Like I was some kind of animal being dragged by force to its death without being able to do anything... But at the same time, they all looked at me with the expression Alby wore...the one which looked apologetic and I just wanted to scream. Scream at everyone. Scream everything and eanything I could think of. I mean, why were they only sitting there watching? Why weren't they helping me but instead only giving me a fucking apologetic look?! Even Alby! It's like they fear the same may happen to them... But, if that's the case, what is Alby afraid of...?

I mean, is Alby afraid of Gally? But isn't he the leader?

My thoughts were cut short when Gally tied me up in a big tree and left shortly after. No wait, that's not just any tree... that's the tree me and Chuck got to know each other and...that's the tree I met Newt.. (After he gave me that tour)

I tried to contain my thoughts and emotions. I had to clear my mind and think...what should I do?

Suddenly, Gally returned while dragging Newt along with him. He placed him in the opposite side of the tree and tied him there so we couldn't see each other. My heart raced painfully at the thought of something happening to him and the fact that I couldn't see him didn't make things any better...

Then, Gally started speaking with his deep cold voice "you have ten minutes to decide who dies" was what he said and walked a bit further from us so we could talk and say good-bye in privacy..

Two minutes had already passed by but no one had the courage to say anything. By that moment, most of the Gladers had already started to pack the area while making sure to maintain a fine distance between us...

The two minutes became five, then six, but still, no one talked... I bit my lip. We didn't have much time... I had to talk to him

"Newt" "Thomas" we both said at the same time in a weak voice "...y-you go first.." I said and as I imagine, he probably nodded

"...I...I just think that... Look, I have lived here more years that you so that means that your life has been shorter than mine...plus I had already thought countless times of doing it myself so-"

"Newt, I'm not letting you die" I said firmly, cutting off his rumbling "I...I will" ...I checked at the time and saw that we had less than three minutes... I heard a sob from the other side of the tree

"Th-..no..you can't-" I heard a muffled sound but we were only losing time like this. I had already made my decision and nothing was stopping me... So instead of hearing him try to convince me to let himself go instead, we should be saying each other good-bye...


"No, Thomas! S-shuk, no! You're not d-dying! Y..-"

"Newt, listen to me, damn. There's no way in hell I'm letting you die and I'm going to say this as many times as you need to understand it" I heard another sob and I clenched my eyes shut. We had less than a minute left "Newt, I.. If this is the end I just want you to know that I...love you. ...I always have and I always will... I don't know what will happen after this, but please promise me that you are going to be strong. Please promise me that you won't harm your self again and... Even kill Gally if you have to" I said and laughed at my pathetic words... If I wasn't so weak then Newt wouldn't have to go through the same thing he had went through over and over...

We had less than thirty seconds and Newt was fully sobbing by now, a sound that made my heart break into tiny pieces over and over again. "I-I, too...I lo-"

"Time's up" Gally said with a huge grin from ear to ear "So, who's dead?" He continued and laughed to him self at his 'joke'. He took some steps forward and faced Newt "Aww is baby Newt crying? So, does that mean that your boyfriend is dying?"

"Fuck off.." Newt mumbled under his tears trying to sound taught

"I'm sorry, what did you say? I couldn't hear you quite clearly" he said, his grin never once leaving his face

"I SAID FUCK OFF" Newt yelled and Gally's eyes darkened

"NO ONE CAN YELL AT ME!" He screamed and pulled something out of his pocket when-

There was a noise

Like, something slicing skin

And then, I heard a scream of pain and all the Gladers started to scream in panic-obviously not expecting that-

G-Gally just...

My eyes threatened to pull out of their sockets

What was happening!?

...I heard the knife dropping to the ground and colour started to fade from Gally's face-he was obviously surprised as well-

I couldn't quite understand the situation. No, hell, I was actually more than just aware of the situation

Time seemed to be passing in slow motion and I just stayed there completely unable to move. I was too sacred to

...Gally just stabbed Newt...

GUYS IM THE WORST. IM SO SO SO SO SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING ALL THIS TIME... I don't even have an excuse so... SORRY! (P.S. this chapter is so messed up MUAAHAHA)
ILY <3

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