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*The next day*

Minho was still injured so I didn't have to go to the maze once again...

I woke up by the sound of the doors of the maze opening and decided to go eat breakfast...

When I arrived at the kitchen, I saw 'our' table with Minho, Chuck and Theressa. But instead, I sat on an empty table near a big tree... I wasn't in the mood of being around people right now...

All I wanted was to think...


To get the situation clear, yesterday Newt said he wanted to talk to me but when he tried to talk, he seemed completely nervous and in the verge of a panic attack or something. I couldn't see him in that state so I decided to stop him by kissing him and he surprisingly kissed me back. But then was when I got the sudden urge to go somewhat further than that, so I-being the fucking idiot I am- asked him to have sex with me. But for some reason that made him scared and panicked so he refused by telling me 'I can't' .

Conclusion: I'm stupid.

But why did he tell me that he couldn't..? Was he afraid? Not ready, maybe? ...Did he though it would be a mistake? ...Is he dating someone else?

I bit my lip


I heard a voice...

Was it referring to me? Was it in my head?

"..Can I sit with you..?"

I raised my head a bit towards the voice and my eyes widened. Newt... why was he here?

I hesitantly nodded even though I wanted some 'alone time'

I continued eating my food when I heard his voice again "I-I'm sorry about yesterday..." wait, what?

Did he apologize!? What the hell is up with Newt the last couple of days..?!

He was chewing on his bottom lip in anxiety

"No, I should be the one apologizing.. I went a bit overboard.."

"You didn't...It's just that-" He went to say but stopped. The color of his eyes seemed to change a bit as his eyes were glued on something.. I turned my head towards the direction he was looking at and-....Gally

A flush of memories crossed my mind for a brief second. It was from about one week ago...I remembered seeing Gally holding Newt's hand. I bit my lip rather hard. It couldn't be...could it?

...Could they be dating..? And maybe that's why Newt came here today. Maybe he wanted to tell me that they were dating and that being the reason ad to why he refused yesterday...

I dig my teeth into my bottom lip, got up and left in a fast pace..

...I didn't know where... just as far away as possible from there...

*Time lapse* (About 11 or 12 o'clock p.m)

Newt's POV

I let out a muffled sound

"Newt?" Shit. I forgot Minho is also here.. did he hear anything..?

"What is it?" I turned in my bed to face him

"..Are you ok?" He seemed worried. He got out of his bed and went to catch my left forearm when I stopped him with my right hand. He can't see it..

"Are you ok?"

"What do you mean?"

"Your leg. It seems quite better though.."

"Oh, yeah. It is better... Tomorrow I'll be back on the maze"



"Goodnight" I said and flashed him a forced smile. ...Shit, that was close... I need to be more careful though.. Oh well, at least it's over now...

"Wait. You didn't answer my question"

Bloody Shuck...

I knew this was coming... He knows me just too well. I bit my lip and looked down

"It's not about that, is it..?"

I bit my lip more forcefully and then, the lights of out tent went off.

I sighed...

In times like that, I'm so glad I have a friend like him...

"Goodnight, Newtie" He said and I could almost feel his worried eyes on me, even though it was completely dark...

"Night, Minho.." I said and signed once again, before drifting off to sleep-or trying to, at least...

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