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Thomas POV

Theresa and I kept talking for hours and she, surprisingly, invited me to her tent (she had one all to herself because she is a girl and everyone was acting like they were overprotective, when in reality, all they wanted was to hit on her..)

Nevertheless, I was surprised having her invite me to visit her... Could it be that...she likes me?
No.. That couldn't be it... I mean, she is surrounded by guys. And, of course, most of them are way out of my league...(An; that's not true Dylan bby) Anyway, I don't know how or when, but I soon found my self sitting on her bed and she was currently leaning in to kiss me

I instantly panicked
What the hell?

How the hell did this happen?

And more importantly, what should I do?!

I gulped hard. By the moment, she had already closed her eyes and her face was inches apart from mine.

Thomas! Do something! You can't just let her kiss you- Wait, why shouldn't I...? Why shouldn't I let her kiss me?

Um, how is this; You obviously don't like girls! AND, may I remind you that you like Newt!

....but he doesn't

And I'm fucking sick of this one-sided thing. He had made himself totally clear that day...he didn't like me...And I don't think he ever will... So, why shouldn't I at least try to move on...?

And so I did... I let her kiss me, and I kissed her back. I didn't like one minute of it though...


*The next day*

Minho had hit his leg so we didn't go to the Glade (since I was still training, I couldn't go out there alone..)

In addition, I was currently sitting on a table with Theresa and Chuck. I never said anything but it seemed like Theresa thought we were dating.. oh, well...

Who cares...

With the corner of my eye, I noticed a table quite away from ours. There was; Alby, Newt and, of fucking course, Gally.. I focused my attention to Newt and for a brief second, he looked at me and then averted his gaze away immediately. His eyes seemed a bit red and puffy... was he crying?

Flashes of a couple of days ago when Newt was crying crossed through my thoughts. Is he ok..?

Stop it, Thomas! Don't you remember? You are trying to move on! It's none of your business!

"What's none of your business?" I heard the girl sitting next to me, Theresa, say. I froze. Ugh.. I let my guard down and she heard my thoughts... what do I tell her now..?

"U-um...nothing" I said and cleared my throat awkwardly in order to change the topic

"Oi, Tom~ how is the maze?" Chuck asked enthusiastically and I rolled my eyes playfully at him. At least he changed the topic...

Suddenly, I saw Minho with food on his hands coming towards our table

"Hey, um... can we sit with you?"

" 'we'?" I asked in curiosity and Minho took a small step to the side, to reveal an awkward Newt standing behind him. Oh fuck no. He can't sit with us! I'm supposed to..-

"Of course" My thoughts were cut off by Theresa. She wore a wide smile and was looking right into Minho's eyes. Whoah, what's going on here?

"Thanks" Minho replied. It looked like he pinched Newt in the arm and gave him a glare as I heard something I never though I would

"Yeah.. thanks" Newt half-whispered in a very low tone, while looking down

What the hell??

Did N.e.w.t just say 'thanks'??

My eyes were wide in sock as I watched the two boys sit across me. Newt continued looking at the ground and I found my self unable to stop staring at him. Stop it Thomas!...



Who I'm kidding!? I can't do this. I can't just force myself to move on with someone who I'm not even attracted to when I know I'm in love with Newt!- wait, what did I just say

I coughed awkwardly-to stop myself from thinking embarrassing things- and turned my head towards Theresa to see that she was already looking at me. I guess this is my chance...

Theresa, we need to talk
Thomas, we need to talk

We both said at the same time and then laughed awkwardly

You go first...

she nodded even though we were talking in our thoughts

U-um...Look. I think you are a really nice guy and I like you a lot but...in a friendly way. I mean, I never liked you that way but when you leaned in to kiss me, I just didn't want to break your heart... I'm sorry..

Wait, you were the one who leaned in to kiss me. And I guess I kind of didn't want to hurt you as well...

That's not the point. I don't even remember... And well, I think I know about your little crush on Newt. At first I wasn't sure but now...

.......You heard my thoughts didn't you?

Aha. You should seriously start controlling it (revenge) oh, and btw I totally ship you guys!

Shut up! In that case, I ship you and Minho too!

I said that just to tease her but she blushed

Ohhhh Looks like someone has a crush, huh?

"Hey, you two, love birds! Will you quit looking into each other's eyes? I'm trying to eat here." Minho said it like he was joking but his face was dead serious. Looks like she has some kind of hope after all...

"Hey, um...Thomas. can we talk?" I heard a voice referring to me and when I turned my head to look at it, I froze


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