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Two hours passed by and Alby did some kind of gathering and announced to all of the Gladers the news about Theresa. I was currently sitting by the fire and eating dinner when I felt someone making it's way to my position. I didn't tilt my head since I knew it had to be Chuck...

"Mind if I sit here?" I heard a voice say. It didn't belong to Chuck, though. No, this was gentler and thinner. It seemed a lot familiar, so I turned my head towards it, to be met with a pair of blue eyes and long brown hair.


I hesitantly nodded. Is it really ok for her to sit with me..?

By the moment she sat down on the ground next to me, I was already starting to get hostile glares from the other gladers sitting around us... They must probably think that I 'stolen' the only girl they had ever seen in their lives... nonsense

"So, can you explain why we can talk telepathically?" She asked me and I looked into her eyes before thinking what I should answer

Oh he's looking at me! Do I have something on my face??

I couldn't hold back a laugh that threatened to erupt from my lips. Were those really her thoughts?

He laughed!? What does that mean!? Does he think I'm stupid or something?!

"You know I can hear your thoughts, don't you?" I said with another chuckle

What? Is he trying to trick me??

"No, I'm not trying to trick you, Theresa"

I could see even in this deem lighting that her cheeks had turned as red as a tomato. It was cute actually. But I'm not into her or anything...

"H-how can you hear my thoughts then..? And why can't I hear yours?" She finally said

"Well, I guess, I can hear yours because you are thinking out loud, -in your head, I mean-"

"It's not like I can control it or anything.." She said while pouting. I laughed at that. She's a really nice person, actually...

"Thank you~" she said and winked at me. Damn! I guess sometimes I can't control it either...

And then We started eating_


Newt's POV ;)

I held both my trembling hands to try stopping them from shaking. I took deep breaths and tried to calm myself down...

But I couldn't.

I couldn't stop my tears from falling, I couldn't stop my sobs from slipping out of my throat...

I laid my self on my bed and tried forcing my eyes to close. I had to sleep... But, of course, I couldn't.. I had almost forgotten the feeling of sleeping...

I turned my self to the side of the bed. But this action caused me to groan. I was hurting everywhere. Both mentally and physically. I bit my lower lip. No, I can't let myself keep crying like this..

I closed my eyes as tightly as I could and my right hand gripped the sheet of the bed forcefully.

...Maybe I should have just let h- No! of course not, Newt! That wouldn't help anything! Especially when you would simply be tossed when finding out the truth...

That though caused more tears to threaten to fall from my blurry eyes...



...Sometimes I just felt the need to give up...

I know what that would cause to everyone but... It's not like they would do the same for me...

Though I know someone who might would...

...But now he is gone

My secret- NewtmasWhere stories live. Discover now