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"Wake up, Greenie!" I heard someone yelling at me. My eyes opened wide in a swift movement

There was, standing, Minho holding an amused look on his face. Almost like he was enjoying this. Almost..

I groaned, annoyed by his presence in this time in the morning "Just what do you want, Minho?"

"Hey! Don't talk to me like that. You were the one who was actually begging me to be a runner!" He said in a tone that feigned being hurt.

"Wait, do we start today?" I said enthusiastically and stood on my feet right away. Minho, on the other hand, simply rolled his eyes playfully and motioned me to follow him to the kitchen

I can't believe I forgot something like that..


When I grabbed something to eat, I sat on a near table and noticed Minho coming to join me with food of his own.

"So how do ya feeling about today, Shank?" He said with mouth fool of food. Someone should tell him that, that's a bit disturbing..

"Um. Dunno" I said with a shrug. Before I could say anything else, I was stopped by Minho's loud voice

"Newt! Get your ass here and eat with us!" Minho said happily to N- oh god.


I had totally forgotten what had happened yesterday!


What should I do?

How should I act?

My heart started pounding louder in my chest, echoing throughout my whole body

"Should I, really?" He said in a cold distinctive voice, ignoring completely my presence by not throwing even a single glance at me. Ouch.

"C'mon Newt-Newt! I thought you didn't have a problem with Thomas anymore.."

Newt rolled his eyes "I never said anything like that"



"What?" I couldn't keep it inside me anymore, as the word flew out of my mouth

"You deaf?" He asked coldly

No. I couldn't believe this.

It couldn't be.

I though we were over this.

I though he...

I felt tears forming in the corners of my eyes( for a weird reason) but I refused to give in to them..

'But yesterday..'

That was the only thing that crossed my thoughts at the time. But I knew I couldn't say something like that in front of Minho...

I bit my lip hard

Newt turned around emotionless and started walking away

Fuck. No!

I got up as fast as I could, grabbed Newt's wrist and run to the forest. I could tell that Newt had tensed up by my action but I couldn't care less. I was so confused, scared, hurt, sad and many more feelings that I couldn't quite name..

"What the hell, Newt!" I growled while trying my best not to let him know how hurt I felt, as it wouldn't help the situation at all..

"I should be the one asking you that. What the bloody shuck do you think your doing, dragging me to the forest by force"

What the actual fuck.!?

"What's wrong with you? I thought that yesterday you..-"

"I what, Thomas?" He interrupted "Did you though that just because we kissed, I would magically start dating you, hold your hand and fuck you? Well, guess what, that's not the case! For fuck's sake, I don't even know what had gotten into me yesterday and let you kiss me! I was just feeling weak because I was crying and I guess I just needed someone to be there and you were the closest to that.. And by the way, I didn't even feel anything" He said, his face still expressionless, his voice not carrying any emotion. It took me a minute to transport back to reality after hearing his sharp words. Only then, did I realize I was crying...

..yeah... I was fucking crying.
...guess I can't deny it anymore...
alcohol or on, I liked him. And he didn't like me back. No, hell, he actually rejected me right now. Nice and clear.

I regained my posture and managed to give him a small nod of my head

I used my right hand to cover my soaked eyes and without wasting any more time, I ran to the maze that was right beside us..

...Can I please get eaten by a Griever...?

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