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Me and Minho had been running for a couple of hours and just then did I realize how hard 'the life of a runner' could be...

At least, with all of this exhaustion, I managed to get my mind off of all this shit that's going on recently between me and Newt...

I signed deeply 

"Hey, tom-tom, We better start heading back or we'll be stuck here for the night" I nodded. Minho's gaze lingered at me for a couple of seconds and then, he started running again. Minho had obviously noticed that something was up with me but decided not to ask me anything as he kept running...

Thank god, actually... I don't think I'm able to share anything with another person right now...

When we got back to the Glade, we noticed that there was no one around. What the hell?

I gave Minho a confused look and he started running towards someone-who seemed to be a person-. I followed him as well

"Gally! Where the shuck is everyone?!" Said an almost freaked out Minho

"Relax, won't ya?" Gally answered in a playful tone but got serious Immediately  when he saw the stern look Minho was giving him "Um, someone came from the box. They won't let us see him though" he shrugged, like it wasn't something important but Minho's pupils turned wide

"Who won't let you see him?" He asked half-panicked

"Alby and Newt" I felt my whole system froze as he said his name. Minho nodded and run as fast as possible towards what I assumed was were Newt and Alby were.

Gally looked at me with a grin that said-now it's my chance to kill you-and I gulped. Without knowing what else to do, I run to where Minho had gone off seconds ago


He seemed to have entered a slightly big building-more like a big tent- and all I could do was stand at the door

Should I try to peek from the little opening the door had?

I know I mustn't, but I guess curiosity is a strong power..

I placed my head close to the door and pressed my ear lightly to the smooth surface

"What do you mean she is the last one ever?" I heard someone say. His voice sounded like a young boy's one so it couldn't be Alby's. And I guess it couldn't be Newt's as well, since he wouldn't be asking that if he was the one hiding the person.

But he said 'she'... Does that mean that a girl came? And I thought that someone comes from the box once a month...what the hell?

"That was what the note said"

That voice..

The moment I heard it, I felt something inside me twitch


My eyes darted to the floor

Suddenly, my peaceful-but painful- silence was ruined by the door opening. My eyes immediately examined the room, in an attempt to catch even a single glance at that 'new girl'

I looked at the floor and noticed a passed out girl with brown hair and pale skin

I was aware that Alby, Newt and Minho were yelling at me to get out, and asked me what was I doing there, but I was too focused examining the light-barely noticeable- movement the girl in front of me made.

Her eye lashes began to move a bit and her mouth seemed like it was opening slightly, in an attempt to form words

All of a sudden, her eyes flung open and she yelled something with all her might

When I proceeded what she had just said, I realized that the word she yelled, was in fact my own name..

My secret- NewtmasWhere stories live. Discover now