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Gally was about to hit me when a loud voice filled my ears "Gally! What the shuck are you doing!" Gally seemed to be turning pale and took some steps back

"I..um- I was just. Helping him-"

"No, stop it! You were about to hit him, weren't you?" I tilted my head a little to see who was talking to him and I saw an angry Alby.
It was Alby... I didn't know why, but I think I felt a bit... disappointed? I mean it's not like I wanted it to be someone else...so why-

"Gally, you know the rules. You can't hurt other Gladers, good that?"

"Yeah.yeah. Good that" he said while nodding non-stop.

"You. Greenie, go to your job. Gally, come with me" He said and left, with Gally running behind him. What is he going to do to him..? I shrugged the thought out of my mind as it wasn't my business and walked into the room.

The night had come and I finished my job-thankfully. It was the most boring thing ever.. I walked to the fire and took a plate folled with food to eat.

I saw chuck sitting beside me and I smiled at him. He returned the smile and started talking to me about his day and blah blah blah... seriously, once that kid started talking, he couldn't stop. I soon started to lose focus and didn't hear what he was saying, as my eyes were searching for something-more like someone- else.


He wasn't here. Again. I mean, I knew he wasn't exactly the friendly type-to go around and have fun with others-but still... Even Gally was here ...wait.. now that I think about it, I haven't seen Gally either..

"Do you know where Gally is?" I asked Chuck. I was aware that I had cut him off of his endless babbling  but he didn't seem to mind.

"Um...no. Why do you ask?" He seemed confused. Like he didn't understand where I was getting at.

"I mean, Is he here eating with the rest of the Gladers?" Except for Newt... I added, but to myself.

"I don't think so.." He shrugged and continued talking like nothing happened. That kid is seriously either naive, too communicative or just.. stupid.

Then, what Chuck said sunk in. Apparently, Gally didn't come in the fire as well... So maybe I was right? Maybe he and Newt didn't come because they were somewhat antisocial? Maybe others don't come as well? But, I thought it wasn't optional..? I guess there are still some things I don't know about this place...

When I finished eating, I said goodnight to Chuck and went to leave when I bummed into someone.

I felt my heart skip a beat when I realized who it was.


His gaze was fixated on the floor, his head down and when I bummed into him he looked at me with a cold glare. I'm not sure why, but for some reason it felt as if  he was.. kinda acting it? Maybe in order to hide his emotions.. I mean, just a couple of seconds ago I swear he looked like he was sad or something... But then again.. that can't be the case... I mean, he is Newt after all.

He opened his mouth to say something- that obviously being an insult to me-but closed it right after, his face blank.

I knew something was up with him... My gaze felt to the floor. I mumbled a quick '
sorry' before I left and walked towards my bed...

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