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I was speechless. Why... why was Newt here? Sitting on this bench here... with me.. was he just a hallucination after all?

"Are y-" I was about to say, but Newt cut me off

"I'm not a hallucination, Thomas" wow, with that attitude I'm almost sure he is the real thing now...

"Then wha-" I tried to say but he cut me off again. This was getting annoying.. Was he always that rude?

"I'll explain everything later.. can I sleep for now? I'm exhausted.." I was slightly surprised at what he said... no other hallucination had ever asked me something like that.. I hesitantly nodded and he smiled. Should I take him to my ' appartment'? I looked at him and saw that he had started sleeping already so I picked him up and walked to my appartment- it was at a very small distance from the park-

I placed him on my bed and sat next to him so I could watch him. I was curious. I was surprised that this hallucination hadn't disappeared yet... And why is he just sleeping? Normally, he would just tell me thanks or some shit but this time... He even told me that he loved me?!

But still... He can't be alive... I mean, I saw him with my own two eyes dying in front of me..! There's no way he's still living... Well, unless he is a zombie or something...

"Tommy, quit staring at me. It's creepy" what? how did he know? "Don't ask how do I know, it's obvious" oh... Well, I forgot that I was the most predictable human being in the history of human kind...

He opened his eyes and looked at me "I missed you.." He said with a pout and I raised my eyebrows cause this hallucination felt way too real

"Are you...-" again. He cut me off again. Ugh

"Where's Chuck?" He asked

"At something called, um, 'schoo-" AGAIN. was he doing it on purpose?! This hallucination is really getting on my nerves!

"Oh yes! School! Minho had told me something about that.."

"Aha... Will you stop cutting me o-"

"Nope" he said with a smile


"Because only then you will realize that I'm not a hallucination dumbass"

"I can understand that withou-"


"You don't have t-"




"JUST LET ME FINISH" he laughed and I sighed "...just explain to me what happened" I said defeated

"No.. I want you to understand that I'm not a hallucination first" he said and I rolled my eyes

"If you want me to understand that explain to me what really happened because everything feels way too surreal right now..." I replied and he shook his head

"No" damn it Newt, you're not making this any easier

"...I fucking saw you die...how do you expect me to believe you without a proper explanation?"

"Well, in that case... Can a hallucination do this..?" He said and gave me a quick peck on the lips. I blushed immediately since there was no way in hell I was expecting that...

"U-um.. I don't know" I said while looking down. I honestly didn't know... I was really confused. That hadn't happened in any other hallucination of mine. But still...maybe I have went crazy or something and this is all still in my head... Yeah, that's probably it

My secret- NewtmasWhere stories live. Discover now