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The day passed by really fast and I hadn't even realized it, until I found myself walking towards 'the fire'-that's how I'm going to be calling it- with Chuck.

The whole day passed with me working with Frypan in the kitchen. It was so boring to say the least...Well, except for the fact that I got to taste Frypan's food a few times to 'check' if it was good-or so he thought-. I didn't taste the food I made because, well, lets just say that it was a bit burnt. ....Along with the kitchen... maybe

I wasn't interested in that job anyways... After all, I wanted to be a runner...

When Chuck and I arrived, we grabbed a plate and sat by the fire.
After a couple of minutes, Minho came and sat down beside me. He smiled at me

"Hey, good news! You're in" He said and I nearly choked on the food I was eating

"Wait, what? I'm a runner??" I asked bewildered, excitement running through me

"Yeah yeah, slow down there Greenie" Minho said and chuckled.

"What the bloody shuck, Minho?"

I turned my head at the voice to see- Newt? What was he doing here? I thought he didn't come to 'the fire' since he was 'too cool' for it

"You heard me. He's in" Minho defended

"Are you shucking me? He doesn't even know how to walk and you're saying to make him a runner?" He argued

"Well, practically, that skill isn't really needed in The Maze. All he needs to do is run-"

Newt rolled his eyes at that "You know what I mean, Minho. If he becomes a runner, he is going to get eaten by a Griever in his first day"

"And why do you care?" I said annoyed, tired of just letting Minho defend me when I can to that just fine on my own

"Um, I don't know. How about because I'm bloody second in command and I can't let Gladers die just because they're stupid" There it goes again...

"Why does everyone say that I'm stupid just because I want to be a runner? I mean, aren't you curious? Don't you want to see what's outside?" I asked-calmly this time- and I saw something in Newt's eyes flicker for a split second. I don't know what or why but I just knew I saw something...

"Fine then. If you wish to die that badly, then it's fine. Suit yourself" He said coldly and turned to leave.

"Well. We're starting in two days..!" Said Minho, before rushing over to where Newt was heading moments ago


"So, how was your day?" Said Chuck, changing the subject

I groaned "Just got complicated"

He chuckled "why? I thought you were happy about becoming a runner"

"I am, it's just that... I don't know" I said, honestly. I swear to god, minutes ago I was jumping for joy but right after what happened with Newt, I just felt... confused. I don't know why but for some reason I feel like I need to get his approval over this or something... Which is fucking weird and stupid but...
...I guess I'm going to talk to him tomorrow...

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