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I let my lips rest upon his for a few seconds when I realized that he wasn't kissing me back. I pulled away slightly, my heart sinking in my chest

Idiot! Fucking idiot! Why the hell did you do that!? He had just told you not to touch him, and there you go and kiss him! You don't even like him so why the fuck did you have to do this?!

His eyes were wide and he moved his gaze to the floor- on the other direction I was sitting at-

"I-I um...sorry about that. I didn't mean to... kiss you" I said feeling like my heart was forcefully ripped off my chest. I had sobered up at this point.
I hated me for doing this. I ruined everything. And to say that he already hated me...

"It's.. fine.." He said in a low voice "I'm used to it.." He added in a barely audible whisper and laughed bitterly-I probably wasn't supposed to hear it-
I frowned
... what did he meant by that?

'He's used to it'

...What the hell?

"Um...yeah. I-I guess I got to go.." I said awkwardly, feeling rejected and embarrassed. I stood up and went to leave when I felt a hand grabbing my wrist

I looked at it and Noticed an uncertain Newt looking at the ground "C-can you, um.." he breathed out while biting his bottom lip nervously, his gaze still fixed at the ground.

"What..?" I asked curiously

"....stay..." He said, looking like he didn't mean for that to leave his mouth. He was kinda.... cute? ...Was it weird for me to say that..?  More importantly, what the fuck happened for him to be like this..?

I flushed him a small sad smile and sat in the same position I previously was, moments ago.

He didn't talk

and neither did I...

His gaze was still fixed on the ground

But mine was sat on him...


Suddenly, I heard a quiet voice breaking the silence

"Hey, um...Tommy?" He breathed out and my heart caught on my throat. He.Did.not.just.call.me.Tommy.

My heart had started beating rapidly on my chest. Damn, shut up heart. He's a guy! A male!

"...yeah..?" I managed to let out of my immense pulse

"..can you...d-do that again...?" He said very lowly and I blinked a few times

"Do what again?" I asked confused and I could swear I show him blush. There was a pause

".......kiss me.."

There was silence again



For a minute I thought I heard him asking me to kiss him...

I looked at him.

Funny. Why isn't he talking ?



What the hell?

He did ask me, didn't he?!

But.. but we're both guys! Isn't this... wrong? And.. he hates me. He's ..Newt! And.. and I don't like him like that! So why...

Did My legs got numbed and my throat felt dry ?

I looked him in the eye and his gaze met mine

I swallowed hard and tried to contain my mixed emotions. I felt like I was going to blow up

I slowly started to lean in and my heart beat quickened every passing second

Why the hell is this happening?!

I felt his hot breath on my lips and then my lips brushed against his soft ones. It was the best thing I had ever felt and I instantly lost sense in reality, forgetting all my worries, my questions, everything. It was just me and him

It was way different from the first kiss since this time I knew Newt wanted it too

Our lips started moving in sync but soon enough that wasn't enough. I wanted to feel more of him

My right hand moved to his blondish hair and I started to kiss him harder. I licked his bottom lip, asking for entrance, which he didn't give. He pulled away smirking and pushed me to the floor, him standing above me-fucking tease-

His lips reconnected to mine and he slipped his tongue inside my mouth. It started to explore my mouth and I moaned inside his mouth. We broke the kiss in order to catch our breaths and Newt's eyes were covered with lust

He lowered his head and started sucking on my neck. Fuck. How could this fell so good?

When he found my sweet spot, I couldn't fight back another moan that came out of my mouth and he sucked on it harder

"N-Newt.." I chocked out between pants

"Hm?" He hummed, not stopping sucking on my neck

"U-um. Don't you.. live with..Minho?"

"So what?" He asked casually and then realization hit him

"Bloody shuck! He is going to be back any minute now" he said socked

"I know! well, bye" I said awkwardly and went to leave when I felt Newt's arms embracing me in a hug

"Thank you, Tommy" He said sweetly to me and I smiled


I can get used to that~

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