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Thomas POV

I felt light burning my eyelids...

I slowly opened my eyes and tried to wake myself up.... It was 12 p.m...



Why didn't Minho wake me up!? I was supposed to be on the Maze right now!

I put on my clothes and run as fast as possible towards the gates. ...But there was no one there...

...what should I do...? I can't go in there without Minho... And either way, it's too late...

"Thomas? Weren't you supposed to be on the Maze?"

I turned my head towards the voice and saw it was Alby

"Yeah, well...too late I guess" I said and Alby gave me a sympathetic smile

"Well, you can help me a bit with some paper work if you don't mind.." I nodded. It's not like I had something better to do anyway...


I didn't know what time it was by the time I was finished helping Alby, but the sun was setting and the runners would probably be back shortly..

"Thanks a lot, Thomas" Alby said in a friendly tone and I smiled at him

"Any time!"
"-Well, actually, any time Minho forgets to wake me up in the morning again.." I added and we both laughed

Suddenly, the door of the room we were at, smashed open revealing an exhausted Minho. He was panting heavily and his eyes showed both terror and excitement

"A-Alby... I-...found...a de-...dead...griever-r" he chocked out between pants and Alby's eyes flashed open. I swear, I'd never seen him like that... He always looks so calm

"A what?" He was speechless

"C-cmon..!" Minho said and started running back to the Maze

"Wait! Minho! Not now! The doors will close soon and you are exhausted!" Alby yelled as he regained his composure

"No..maybe...it...won't be there....tomorrow" Minho breathed out as he crossed the walls with Alby following close behind him

I had a really bad feeling about this....


One hour had passed by, and they were still not back... I was currently sitting next to a tree along with Chuck opposite the walls

A lot of Gladers had gathered close to the walls and were waiting anxiously for Minho and their leader to return...

"W-what if they don't come back..?" Chuck half whispered in a terrified tone. ....Why must I be the one comforting him when I need comfortance my self!? ...I sighed

"They will...I'm sure they will" I told him, but that obviously didn't make him actually believe they would... After all, me myself wasn't even sure about that...

"...I promise?" I added in an attempt to brighten a bit his mood and he smiled. I smiled as well... I wish they will...I really do...



"Hey Theresa.."

"T-the gates will soon be closed.."

I sighed "I know.."

She took a sit next to us when we heard a loud noise, indicating that the doors started to close

No.no.no.no.no. This can't be happening. Tell me it's just a nightmare! Minho couldn't be... He couldn't be trapped in this hell hole! No! please no!.... oh, and Alby..

If the situation wasn't that serious, I would have totally laughed at Theresa's thoughts... Jeez, it is so obvious that she has a crush on him... Why can't she, confess or something!?
...after something like this, it seems like you don't really know what to expect in this life...so why should you wait?

...the same goes for me though, so I need to shut up...

I got up as quick as possible and run towards the-now closing-gates. I noticed some figures in the distant. It was them and they both looked fine!

Wait, no.

Minho apparently was the only one standing as Alby seemed unconscious on the ground. Minho was pulling him as fast as possible towards the Glade but he was too heavy

"They're not gonna make it!" I heard some panicked voices yell and I suddenly lost control of my body. All of the voices seemed to fade away along with time as I saw a familiar figure running towards the struggling runner and the unconscious leader







The boy helped Minho to get out with Alby but it was obvious by now that he wasn't intending to go out with them.

Why!? What the hell are you doing, Newt?!


I saw as the older boy had given up on any attempts to try and get out of the way the walls were about to close.. Hell, he would be crushed!

What the fuck is he doing!?

Why isn't he running towards the Glade!?

He still has some time!


And at that moment, I felt everything yet nothing

I felt the most alive I've ever felt yet death himself

Without having me realize, my legs had moved on their on towards that 'rude boy' I once met...

But I didn't regret it... No, not one bit

And as I heard the familiar sound of the walls crushing together to a stop,

...time got back to me....

...reality got back to me....

I was trapped inside the Maze with Newt

My secret- NewtmasWhere stories live. Discover now