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Newt was....

I turned my head quickly and looked at the other boy in a panic. His eyes were closed and scratches along with fresh small wounds could be found anywhere in his small body. I couldn't find the spot he was bleeding at though....

I grabbed him by the shoulders and got him to sit with his back on the wall.

...was he even breathing...?!

I knew I had to check if he was but I was too afraid... What if he wasn't!? ...what if he was...-

My thoughts were stopped by the sound of a loud gasp which made my eyes open wide

"Newt!" I yelled with all of my might and hugged him "f-fuck" I mumbled as I felt tears making their way out of my bloodshot eyes. I hugged him even tighter in fear that I could still lose him but felt something wet on his back. I instantly pulled away

He was bleeding on his back and by the looks of it, he had already lost a lot of blood already... What do I do? ...

"I'll turn you around, ok?" I asked-not expecting an answer-. I turned him around and saw that the wound was pretty big... he must have hit his back somewhere pretty hard when he fell. I need to find something to stop the bleeding.. My eyes darted everywhere in a panic but I couldn't find anything useful..

Think, damn it!

Wait. ...I can maybe cut a small piece of my clothes? I instantly ripped off my already damaged shirt sleeve

"Um, I'm going to have to take your shirt off.." I said hesitantly and removed his shirt cautiously, so it wouldn't hurt. When done, I tried to clean some blood from his wound and tied my shirt sleeve on him. I put his shirt back on and placed him on the wall again

I sighed and bit my lip

Suddenly, I saw Newt's eyes open wide "y-your hand.." He said in a weak voice. I looked at my hand and forearm-the one that was bleeding from the Griever's teeth-and realized that, now, without a sleeve, it was easy to see that it was badly injured...

Maybe it was broken or something... It didn't hurt anymore, though...

"D-Does it... hurt?" Newt breathed lowly and I shook my head while giving him a false smile

He nodded and I looked into his eyes. He hesitated for a moment but soon after, met my gaze. His eyes were watery and seemed to be in the verge of tears. Tears started to stream down his face and I pulled him in hug

"I-I'm s-sorry" he said between sobs, his tears making my shirt damp

"For what?" I asked him as gently as I could and held him even tighter

"For... everything..." he said and took a shaky breath "You.. were always so kind b-but... I-I kept pushing you away" "I'm s-sorry..T-Tommy" with that said, he started sobbing even harder and my grip on him tightened even harder as well

"Newt..." I said and brought his face to my hands. I wiped some of his tears away with my thumb before I leaned in to kiss him. It was a gentle kiss, with no feelings like lust involved... It had the taste of salt dye to Newt's tears but I liked it either way

When I pulled away, I saw that Newt was looking at the ground... He wasn't sobbing anymore

"What's wrong?"

"Tommy I-...can I.. tell you something....?"

"Tell me what?"


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