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(Here's a song to get ya in the feels cause it matches way to well)

The morning after Edric was attacked Willow, Boscha, Luz and Amity sat in the living room."Ow,ow,ow" Luz shook her marked hand as the mark burned her skin. "This sucks." Luz gritted her teeth as the pain came in another wave. Amity grabbed Luz's wrist before Luz could shake it again. "H-hey!"

"You're moving to much..." Amity drew a numbing spell holding it just above Luz's hand.

"Y-you could've at least gave me a warning." Luz chuckled nervously. Amity looked back at Luz when she finished the spell, still holding Luz's wrist. Amity opened her mouth to say something but was cut off by her scroll.

Viney:I can't typ long jst come to he hospial

"It looks rushed...." Amity got up from the couch worry creeping in.

"We should all go then..." Willow followed Amity seeing the fear settle in. "Just in case...?" Amity nodded as everyone gathered their things heading out the door.

Amity:On my way. Is everything okay?

Viney:I'm so sorry....

Amity stopped walking rereading the text over and over hoping she read it wrong. But it was right. Over and over repeating in her mind. " no" Amity picked up her speed before anyone could comprehend what she just read.

"Amity!" Luz ran after Amity barely keeping up. Boscha and Willow far behind them. Amity burst into the hospital to see Emira being wheeled through doors Viney watching close by.

"Viney! Where are they taking her?!" Viney turned around looking like a mess. Like she had been crying for a while. "Viney what's happening?!

"A-amity....I'm so sorry i-it's too late...." Amity looked towards the doors Emira was taken through. "I couldn't save her...."

"A-and Edric...?" Viney shielded her gaze nervously biting her lip. "Viney, what happened to Edric?!"

"He...didn't make it either." Amity stood there paralyzed. She couldn't help but blame herself. If Edric and Emira weren't at the library trying to help he'd be alive. If she stood up to their father he'd be alive. Is she could control her emotions he'd be alive. They'd be alive....

"He....died because of me....." Amity felt herself slowly tear up.


"I-it's my fault! He was at the library because of me!" Briefly Amity's voice became broken and sad. Tears beginning to fall.

"Amity it's not your fault! You had no idea of knowing he'd get hurt! You weren't the one who attacked him!" Luz desperately tried to get Amity to calm down.

"Yeah? Well it sure as hell feels like it." Luz backed off at Amity's aggressive tone slightly nervous. Viney couldn't even attempt to diffuse the situation. She had her own thoughts bothering her.

"It's not your fault, i-if you have to blame someone blame me!"

"What? Why would I blame you?!" Amity was shocked that Luz would even suggest blaming herself. She wasn't even there when Edric got hurt.

"T-think about it, if I had told you my plan about Eda's petrifaction you wouldn't have been so distraught. The twins wouldn't have gone to the library. Hell for all I know we could've been reading Azura at The Owl House right now!"Luz ran her fingers through her hair looking to the side."I'm the source of all this. The root of the problem...."

"Luz..." Amity took hold of Luz's fidgety hands thinking on her words.


Lilith and Edalyn wandered the dungeon's halls. Passing hundreds of empty cells. "Jeez you'd think the Emperor'd have more enemies wouldn't ya?"

"Not many tempt the Emperor like you do Edalyn."

"Still with his whole 'coven system' you'd think there's be more riots or at least complaining"

"We get plenty of complaints, but deal with more serious matters like yourself."

"Hey I don't hurt nobody unless they ask for it."

"Sure Edalyn like how you attacked Odalia over Hexes'Holdem"

"That bitch deserved it!" Edalyn scoffed recalling the night in question.

"Watch your tongue"

"Sure, Sure" Edalyn smirked thinking on a Grudgby match she had won when she was younger. "Not like you did when we were kids."

"You-" Lilith turned around fuming before sighing returning to her original stance. "Fine you win." Edalyn let out her iconic laugh as Lilith rolled her eyes. Lilith guided them through the halls eventually finding an exit.

"Took you long enough, that we'd have to blast our way out."

"We're trying to be stealth if you hadn't noticed."

"Alright we'll do it your way." Edalyn sighed drawing a spell to check on Luz. Replaying a moment Luz and Amity went through. "What the fuck...." Edalyn focused on the fight playing on the spell.


"N-no! Look!" Edalyn dragged Lilith beside her to look at the spell. "They were attacked...."

"In the hospital...Skip ahead a bit I wanna make sure they're okay." Edalyn did as she was told for once and skipped ahead to Luz and Amity running to the hospital leaving Boscha and Willow behind.

"Whose that?" Edalyn gestured to Viney not being able to recall the girl.

"Viney. She's Emira's girlfriend I believe" The spell continued showing the girls receive the news about the Twins, and argue briefly.

"We need to get to them." Edalyn picked up her pace no longer paying attention to the spell.

"Agreed." Lilith caught up with Edalyn keeping a close eye incase she got any ideas.

"Hey Lily...did you know about Amity's living situation? The abuse?"

"Unfortunately no...I suspected she could've been subjected to it, but I never pushed the topic."

" I really hope Alador isn't behind all that. You two could have something y'know~" Edalyn nudged Lilths shoulder hoping to lighten the mood.

"I'm not choosing my love life based on middle school crushes. Besides, he hurt his daughter even if Odalia made him he still did it. Not the ideal suitor."

"For all we know it could've just been an abomination with an illusion."

"You're really pushing this aren't you?"

"Of course." Lilith groaned at Edalyn's mindless banter.

(Yeah I'm probably gonna get a few death threats for this....WELP SORRY NOT SORRY)

She's Gone......(Lumity-The Owl House)Where stories live. Discover now