I deserve it.....

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(Warning! Mentions of abuse and violence!!)

Amity excitedly ran to the owl house only to find the place destroyed and a mess.Amity searched everywhere only to find an unconscious beat up King.

"King!"Amity wasn't gone for long, or at least that's what she thought.

"Ehhh....."King was out like a light.He wasn't waking up anytime soon.Amity carried him out of the owl house,wondering where she should go.She couldn't take him to the Blight manor,both of them would get punished.The only safe place that came to mind was the hidden room in the library.

"Come on little guy..."Amity walked into the library avoiding everyone there.She didn't want to be slowed down by anyone questioning her.Amity expected to run into Emira and Edric on her way to her hideout, but they were no where to be seen.Amity thought they were still searching in the forbidden section.Amity pulled a book off the romance section shelf revealing the secret room.Amity instantly noticed Luz had been there.Things were out of place and a note was left on a table.

Amity's face lit up with joy.It may seem stupid to others, but anything Luz does for Amity makes her want to squeal with glee.Amity gently set King down on a beanbag before grabbing the note

Hey Amity!

I'm glad you found my note.I wish I could tell you where I've been exactly, but incase I get caught while hiding them I'll only leave hints that are understandable with all the notes.I can't wait to see you again.

~Love Luz Noceda,your future waifu.

P.S. It's Eda writing, keep an eye on everyone.Especially the twins they'll need help soon.

Amity had a soft smile while reading the note, but she didn't understand what Luz meant by "Waifu"Amity thought it to be just a human thing.Not only was Waifu confusing to Amity, she didn't understand how her siblings could be in trouble whilst in a library.Until she heard Edric screaming.

"I'M SORRY!!" Edric was running past the romance section as Amity opened the secret door.He seemed to be running from a clone of their father.Amity walked out of the room confused.Their father never bothered Edric, why did he seem so scared?Amity cautiously walked towards the place Edric came from.Emira was walking backwards from a clone of their mother.Emira looked like she was going to cry.

"Mom, why would you do that....?"Amity walked over to Emira searching for answers. "A-amity? I-is it true?"

"What?Emira what do you mean?"

"D-dad he beats you, doesn't he?"Amity's eyes grew wide.Tears started to form, and her body began to shake.Amity was at a loss for words.There was no way Emira could know."He actually did that?!" Emira sounded mad, but also in pain.Emira didn't want to believe it, yet she had to.What else is she going to believe from Amity's reaction?

"E-Emira..."Amity looked down at the floor.She couldn't look Emira in the eyes when she was like this.

"Don't try to lie to me!Why didn't you tell me and Edric?!"Emira started to cry by now.Amity felt stupid for not saying anything.

"I-I deserve it.I can't meet their expectations so I should be punished."Amity could feel Emira's gaze.It felt like the same gaze their father gives Amity, before he beats her.

"That's right." The clone of their mother finally contributed to the conversation.

"Stop it! It's not right!"Emira started shouting at the clone.The level of anger in her voice triggered Amity's brain to make her freeze up,usually before she was pummeled to the ground by her father.Amity couldn't move she just stood there, everything seemed so loud and terrifying. Eventually Emira slapped the clone causing it to disappear.

"I'm sorry...."Emira looked over to see Amity crying frozen in fear.

"Amity it's okay!"Emira quickly hugged her sister.Amity was in full shut down.Her brain wouldn't let her process everything was okay.She felt like it was an eternity of danger.

"It's all my fault everything always is."Emira didn't  understand how Amity could say that.What did they say to her?

"DAD STOP PLEASE!!"Edric was yelling from down the hall.

"Edric!"Amity was shooken out of her trance hearing Edric scream and rushed over to him, Emira following close behind.

"Dad...why.."Edric was sprawled out across the floor covered in cuts and bruises.His left eye was surrounded by a burn mark.

"Oh my gosh!"Emira crouched down next to Edric. "Ed are you okay?!"

"W-where's mittens?"

"Hey Amity~" Amity felt a hand grasp her shoulder sending chills down her spine.When Amity turned her head to see who was holding her shoulder she saw clones of Luz and her parents.

(Hope you liked this longer chapter, and got my She-ra reference!)

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