Willow's House

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(Yes I made a meme and made it the cover of this chapter don't judge me!)

Willow morphed the plants in ground into a vine ladder up to her bedroom window. "My dads are probably already asleep just don't wake them up."

"Alright." Amity almost forgot Willow has two dads.Has it really been that long since they hung out? The two ascended up the vine ladder and into Willow's bedroom.

"What the!" Willow's face went red as she read a note that was left on her pillow from her parents.

We saw you snuck out tonight to see that girlfriend of yours be sure to tell us how it went!

~Love Your Dads.

Willow picked the note up shoving it into her nightstand's drawer to hide it from Amity.

"What was that?"

"Nothing don't worry about it." Willow scoffed as she grabbed comfortable clothing to change into. "I'll be right back." Willow quietly left her bedroom to change in the bathroom. Amity now by herself decided to see what Willow had in her room. The decorations were mainly flowers some from the ceiling, or the wall, even the windowsill. Willow's bedding was covered in floral patterns, and her nightstand had a picture of Amity and Willow when they were younger.Next to the photo was Willow's glasses case. Her desk for homework and studying was next to bookcases.Whilst on the floor next to it were two bean bags that are dark blue and green.

"Cute" Amity smirked seeing how little Willow's decor has changed.Amity was lost in thought as she wandered near the plant-life consisting of various colors.

"I'm back."Willow opened the door to a dazed Amity. Willow chuckled walking over to Amity and tapping her shoulder.

"Huh? Oh Willow..." Amity sadly looked over at Willow.

"Wow you're really lost in thought! What were you thinking about?"

"Just....my siblings.."

"Edric and Emira?What about them?"

"Well....I got Ed hurt and...."Amity couldn't even finish her sentence before guilt overtook her thoughts.She wanted to cry, but not in front of Willow.

"Hey Amity it's okay."Willow gave Amity a short hug to comfort her.She could tell something happened.

"I-I might've gotten Edric killed...."

"What?"Willow wasn't expecting to hear that.

"E-Edric and Emira found some kind of creature in the library that took the shape of m-my fears and...."Amity was trying so hard to stay calm,although her voice was shaky and she started to hold back tears.

"It's okay if you are still sensitive to it Amity, you don't have to tell me yet."

Amity nodded and curled up in the dark blue bean bag to try to process her thoughts.Amity's face was stuffed into her arms and legs hiding it from Willow.She didn't want to give Willow a reason to worry about her, granted her current actions don't help.The room quickly became silent.


"Where is she now?Is she safe?What about her siblings?!" Luz was practically demanding Eda for answers she knew she didn't have, but this is about Amity she had to try everything she could to help.

"Chill out kiddo!Your girlfriend is fine, she's at Willow's."Luz blushed slightly at Eda calling Amity her girlfriend. "And her siblings at the healers,everything's okay alright?"

Luz nodded and made her way back to the edge of the cliff.It was always oddly calming for Luz it sit on the edge.The sight of the boiling isles below her was breathtaking.It helped put her mind at ease especially at night.Something about the boiling isles's black sky was beautiful. "Just another night..." Luz glared across the sky.She was done with hiding away from everyone.She missed going to school and seeing her friends.She was dreading seeing Amity again.Who knows what'll happen?

"Well that's interesting....."


"That bully student is heading towards Willow's."

"Boscha?What would...."Luz took a moment to think before a giant grin grew onto her face. "You finally did it Willow...." Luz chuckled as she whispered to herself.

"Ahh jeez...." Eda groaned and put a hand to her head.

"Eda are you okay?"Luz swiftly turned her head to face Eda.

"Just a headache kiddo, I'm alright." Eda gave Luz the best reassuring smile she could muster.Eda was in more pain than she was letting on, but she had to stay strong for Luz.No matter how much the curse was effecting her.Luz turned back to the night sky whilst Eda let out a relieved sigh, and continued to keep an eye on Amity through a spell.


"Is he gonna be okay?!"

"Miss it's too early to tell please wait patiently while the healers do what they can."

"That's my brother in there!!" Emira was arguing with an assistant in the waiting room of the healers. She was making a scene, but that didn't matter to her.She doesn't know where Amity went,and she doesn't know if Edric is okay.She had every right to act the way she was.Even more so considering how much her parents didn't care about Edric's situation.

"Ma'am I need to go help our other patients, please sort yourself out." Emira scoffed as the assistant walked away.Emira's annoyed face quickly morphed in despair.Emira found a seat far away from everyone else in the room, and sat down to think about everything.Try to process everything.At least some of it.She still couldn't believe her parents hurt Amity.They always said she got hurt  a lot in grudgby, so why didn't she realize Amity was still getting injured after she quit?

"Ugh..I'm such an idiot..."Emira shoved her face into her hands.

"You're Edric's sister right?" A somewhat familiar face approached Emira.

"Yes and you would be?"

"I'm Willow's dad, it's sure been a long time since I last saw one of you Blights."

"So Mr.Park what are you doing here?"

"I was walking by Willow's room when she was having a conversation with your sister."

"Amity?" Emira got a little happier knowing how safe Amity was in the Park home.

"Yes that's right, and Amity mentioned something about Edric being severely hurt.I thought I'd come by to see if everything was okay."

"That's nice of you Mr.Park"

"It's the least I can do for you Emira.You and your siblings really made Willow happy...."Mr.Park suddenly fell silent and glared at the floor.

They're minds were both wondering about their family, and what went wrong.

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