Forbidden Magic

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"What are you planning to do?"Amity wanted answers, yet she had no plan of what to do with them.

"Mittens we uhhh..."

"Ugh fine I'll tell her"


"We're going to try necromancy magic to save Luz and the others."

"Why you barely know them?"

"Mittens we're doing this for you"Amity couldn't believe what she just heard.Her siblings never helped her at least not with things like this.

"W-why would you...."

"We're you're siblings we care about you of course we'd help you right now."

"We know how much Luz means to you Mittens."

"I-If you guys are serious than I have an idea."

"Well where do we begin?"

"When I went to the owl house I noticed a book about raising the dead.We could start there."

"Wait you went to the owl house?!"


"I-it was to help Willow!"

"Let's go then we don't have much time."


When they got to the owl house it was quite.Too quite.They know Edalyn and Luz weren't occupying it, but it shouldn't be this silent.At least not with Hooty around.As they approached the door Amity suddenly remembered the 'bird tube' occupying it.He was sleeping, before he fell asleep he locked the door.

"Stupid bird tube.Open up!"Amity started banging on the door.But to no avail.

"Guess we're breaking in."

"Any ideas Mittens?"

"The bathroom window could work.I remember Luz telling me about Hooty scaring her onetime when she was in there.So the window might be openable from the outside."

"Well then Mittens you get up there and unlock the door for us."

"Wait-!" Before Amity could argue.Edric sent her up with a levitation spell. "Wha!" Amity fell backwards and caught herself on the edge of the roof. "Jerk." Amity pulled herself up and walked towards the window.Which was already open.

"Hey Amity do you got it?"

"The windows already open"Amity proceeded to climb through the window.When she left the bathroom she passed Luz's room.It was dark without her light spells and her phone was laying on her sleeping bag. "3 missed calls from Mom." Amity couldn't help but look at Luz's conversation with her mom.She wanted to know how much Luz talked about the boiling isles.More importantly did Luz talk about Amity? Unfortunately there was a lot of Spanish so Amity couldn't read it."Why do they keep saying 'te amo'?"

"Amity you coming to unlock the door?!"Amity didn't have time to figure that out right now.

"Coming!"Amity made her way downstairs and found King passed out on top of an old book."King?"

"Huh...L-Luz?"Amity felt sorry for the little guy he didn't have anyone besides an annoying bird tube to talk to.

"No it's Amity, I'm here to find a way to help Luz."

"Eh? But the other day you said she was gross when she was smelling roses."

I said I wish I was that rose you idiot.

Amity couldn't tell King what she really said.Not with her siblings so close by. "That doesn't mean I don't like her!"Crap bad choice of words.

"Hey Mittens we can hear you! Hurry up!"

"Coming"Amity walked to the front door and opened it.

"So this is the infamous Owl House huh?"

"Is that a wanted poster?!"

"Why is it framed?!"

"Luz said she thinks Eda's proud of it"

"You sure know a lot about this place Amity"

"I-I just k-know what Luz tells me!"

"So you must talk to Luz a lot then"

"Shut up!!"

Annoying idiots.

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