Negitive Emotions

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Back in the hospital. Everyone right where they were before. Luz stayed behind to fill in the Clawthornes, who were still asleep during the whole event. Amity really didn't want to be there, the only thoughts this place could bring was when she lashed out on Luz and her siblings deaths. It was to recent for her to handle. She went with everybody to the hospital but in the end found herself hunched down on the ground. Outside letting her mind wander to whatever she could to keep herself occupied. Avoiding every negative thought she could not that she could do much, they're to intrusive for her to control. Eventually Boscha came to Amity, she only planned to stay for a few minutes just to make sure Amity was still there. But upon seeing Amity it left Boscha concerned. Amity was acting in a way she only does when her thoughts are getting to her, it was easy to see she wasn't alright.

"Hey..." Boscha wasn't good with emotional stuff, yet she sat next to Amity. She knew if she didn't intervene Amity's thoughts would only get worse.

"Oh, hi Boscha" Amity got so caught up in her head she didn't even notice Boscha next to her. "Umm s-sorry for not paying attention to you..."

"No no it's fine, you got a lot on your mind. Nobody can blame you, I'm surprised you're not excessively angry at everyone." Boscha thought on that more, Amity always used her friends to lash out on including Boscha. Release her emotions for a while, before bottling it all back up. It was actually quite rare Amity did that, but every time her emotions seemed more intense. Boscha thought for sure Amity would've cursed her out, at least be more annoyed than usual. It made Boscha feel tense in their silence.

"Hey Boscha....c-can I ask you something?"


"Have you and Willow argued, like as in badly."

"Like a fight?"

"N-no just a bad argument!" Amity's voice became stuttery mand worried. It was a first seeing Amity openly vulnerable like this.

"Well yeah...." Boscha could feel the atmosphere of their conversation begin to shift negatively. Struggling to find the words Boscha tried guessing why Amity was asking her this. "Sure it took time but we worked through it..."

"I don't know if we have time...." Amity mumbled to herself drawing her words out only to make them quieter. Amity curled herself into a ball digging her face into her knees. "Why did this have to happen...? Why us? What in Titans name makes us so important that everything has to go wrong?! There's so many witches, plenty of other rich families at that! So why mine?! Why..." Amity could only yell out her thoughts hoping they'd leave her alone. Her actions saddened Boscha more that she didn't have the ability to really help Amity. Instead Boscha hugged Amity which was quickly accepted. Boscha felt Amity's grip grow tighter by the second,yet she payed no mind to it. Distant footsteps caught the girls' attention letting go of each other. A argument between two witches grew louder as the footsteps got closer. Amity stood up wiping her eyes incase she teared up. The witches got close enough Amity could tell who they were the Clawthornes. But Luz was no where in sight.

"Lily I'm fine! I can fly on a staff!"

"I don't want you to exert yourself more than you already are, besides Luz is flying your staff right now."

"We could've flown on yours! Also Luz can't fly that well..." Eda pointed above them to Luz hanging upside down holding on to Owlbert for dear life.

"Luz!" Amity tensed up seeing Luz in panic, she was racking her brain of any way she could make sure Luz would be okay.

"Oh, Amity. Don't worry Luz is fine Owlbert's in control of them anyway." Edalyn waved her hand dismissively as the older witches got closer to Amity and Boscha.

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