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Lilith sat quietly, however Eda happened to snore while sleeping. "Edalyn with all the things you collect you'd think you have something for snoring." Edalyn twitched in her sleep receiving an eye roll from her sister. "There's gotta be a way out of here...."

"Protégée...." Edalyn spoke in her sleep causing her sister to consider Amity for help.

"Amity does know her way around here, and is powerful enough to get us a bit of help. Although it's likely she already has enough going on she won't have the mental capacity to help us." Lilith paused for a moment pondering the thought.

"Not a boyfriend..." Edalyn quietly murmured in her sleep leaving Lilith with her thoughts.


"Hey, isn't it a bit warm for that?" Luz walked over to Willow gesturing to the dark navy blue sweater she was wearing. "Also you got something right here~" Luz shifted her hands towards a spot on her neck referring to the area just above Willow's collar.

"What?! No I'm fine! What marking?!" Throwing her hands over her neck Willow blurted a bunch of words out. Making Amity and Luz burst into laughter.

"What are you two doing to Willow?" Boscha yawned as she made her way downstairs rubbing her third eye as she scanned the situation. Realizing what Willow was covering and the blush over her face made it easy to figure out. Calmly walking beside Willow she leaned close so the others wouldn't hear. "Let me deal with them, go fix your sweater"

"O-okay..." Boscha kissed Willow's cheek, reviving a short squeak, before Willow scurried out of view.

"Well then, what are you two plotting?"

"Nothing really~" Amity replied with a smug tone lacing her voice.

"Oh really? Maybe I should ask Willow to show me the pictures she got from that 'book club' of yours."Amity opened her mouth to reply but quickly shut it recalling what Boscha could be referring too.

"Morning girls!" Willow's father approached the three unaware of their conversation. Boscha looked with her third eye in the direction Willow went, hoping to see she had everything covered. Thankfully Willow turned the corner a cheery smile now on her face.

"Morning Dad!"

"Good morning Mr.Park"

"No need to be formal Boscha, you will be sharing our name one day" Willow's father winked at the dumbfounded couple before sliding into another room. Leaving the others to gather all their strength to hold back their laughter.

"I..d-did he just?!" As Willow rambled a bit Boscha stood frozen still. Blushing like crazy.

"He...I- ermm..." Boscha shut her mouth before turning on her heel and going back upstairs.

"B-boscha!" Willow attempted to follow after Boscha skipping a few steps to catch up. Willow's collar shifted just enough to give Amity a good look at the marking.

"D-did you see that?!" Luz nodded a smirk seemingly permanent throughout the whole conversation.

"I know I was joking about it earlier but I didn't think they'd actually do that!" Amity snickered shaking her head.

"Something tells me it wasn't on purpose~"


"I knew I should've picked a different sweater..." Willow grumbled under her breath sitting on her bed.

"They'd find out eventually! Besides, better them than your dads right?" Willow hummed in response while Boscha sat next to her. Boscha pulled out her scroll swiping through old notifications. "Hey what do you think happened to Edric exactly?"

"Not sure....although nobody's been to keen on speaking about it." Boscha shrugged making a mental note to ask them about it later. "I think I heard Amity say something about it earlier though, it didn't sound good"

"So best to leave it alone?" Willow nodded fiddling with the ends of Boscha's hair.

"You should wear your hair down more often."

"You always say that" Boscha chuckled turning to look at Willow.

"Yeah and you never do it!" Willow nudged Boscha's shoulder reviving an eye roll.

"Maybe I only want you to see me like this~" Boscha gave Willow a quick peck on the cheek before turning back to her scroll. "Besides your changing topic."

"What's left for us to say? Edric got hurt and Amity's upset."

"But what exactly happened? The details could be important like, what's Edric's health status, who did this to Edric, and how badly did it effect him?"

"Granted those questions need answers, but we shouldn't push it until they're ready to talk about it." Boscha sighed considering her options.

"Alright, then what should we do to keep their spirits up in the meantime?"

"I have an idea~"


Viney woke up with Emira wrapped around her. Scanning around she realized she was at the Blight manor in Emira's bed. "Heh, not my first time in this situation." Viney fiddled with loose strands of Emira's hair careful not to wake her up. Emira dug her face into Viney's neck as much as she could letting Viney notice how cold Emira was. Viney moved her hand off Emira's hair and over to the blanket below them. Covering them both Viney rested her head atop Emira's drifting back off to sleep only to be woken back up by laughing outside Emira's room. Jolting Emira awake as well.

"Hmnph Mittens, could you quiet down?" The door opened slightly showing Amity and Luz on the other side.

"How'd you know it was us?" Luz chirped in making Emira shrug.

"The feeling of annoyance follows you"

"Only when you cause it!" Amity attempted to defend herself.

"Is her face red yet, or should I just go back to sleep?"

"I-!" Amity stopped knowing her face was at least turning slight red.

"Ha! Knew it!"

She's Gone......(Lumity-The Owl House)Where stories live. Discover now