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"And we're here, now the Blight stays here while you and I go let Kitsune out." Malcolm gestured towards Amity and the door leading outside with one hand, pointing to Luz with the other. Amity's grip on Luz tightened, she didn't like the sound of this. For all she knew Kitsune would kill her the moment the door was unlocked. Knowing what they were capable of doing even with only minutes, even seconds of time, she didn't let go. In fact she refused to even negotiate the subject. Luz placed her hands on Amity's speaking quiet enough that only Amity could hear.

"Don't worry, once I get the chance I'll ditch him. He's shorter than King what can he do?"

"He's also a witch! What if he uses magic? You can't fight him without glyphs."

"Sure but he didn't use magic before, I think he lost the ability to cast spells." Amity sighed her breath coming out shaky and forced. She cooperated with Luz as she helped Amity off her, still reluctant about the whole thing. Luz turned away leaving Amity sat on the floor, while her and Malcom walked away. It took a few minutes, at least that's what Amity was telling herself, in reality it was hitting the 40-minutes mark.

"Having done this time and time again...." Amity began mumbling a song to pass the time, the last time she thought of it was in a much better situation. At least she wasn't helpless then, even if it was a less desirable moment than now she wished to relive it. Specifically the time she was wrapped in Luz's arms free of fear and worry. Of course that wasn't exactly how she was feeling then, reliving it she would already know how it would go and her thoughts would be different. Amity shook her head trying desperately to clear it. "Think of a happier song..." Amity focused intensely to remember a song with happier meaning. "You look so pretty and I love this view..." Slowly recalling the lyrics Amity began to hum a song. Singing what words she could remember, though it wasn't much.

"Hey Amity!" Luz turned the corner with a giddy smile, easily placing the same smile on Amity.

"My girl..." Amity quietly whispered as Luz helped her to stand. She could probably get up on her own at this point, but watching Luz be so caring and attentive was her favorite past time, besides reading Azura that is.

"Come on, Malcom's not gonna be happy once he gets up." Luz could barely suppress a giggle while opening the door. Once they stepped outside to look around, the door twisted into itself before popping back as an illusion to hide the entrance. "That's smart."

"Probably why nobody knew he was still alive." Luz turned to look at Amity confused.

"What do you mean?"

"O-oh! I saw him without the mask, at least without part of it."

"So you know who he is?!" Luz was practically bouncing with excitement, Amity couldn't help smiling for a moment.

"'s my old friend Kade....this explains so much...." Luz rolled her eyes at his name.

"Eh, guy seemed like a jerk when I saw him."

"He's not! I-I mean at least t-that's what I thought...." Amity stumbled out of Luz's grasp realizing she could stand on her own.

"Amity he tried to kill you!"

"I know! B-but what my parents did to him was terrible...." Amity looked at the ground thinking on when they were younger.

"What so you're saying his actions are justified?" Luz was mad, but not at Amity. She was mad at herself, for being so aggressive like it's going to help anything.

"I never said that! He's just someone I thought I knew..."

"Well obviously you didn't, I mean would the guy you knew actually try to hurt you? Or the twins?" Amity stayed quiet still staring at the ground, she didn't know what to say. Why was she still defending him in the first place? "Well?"

"My family...well really my parents they had the emperor's coven murder the Scout family. Kade's the only one to survive. He was maybe six, or eight at the latest."

"So he's killing you and your siblings as payback?" Amity shrugged her shoulders.

"He's probably going for them last, but he won't until I'm dead...."


"How the hell did they just disappear....?" Willow said tiredly with her head leaning against the wall. Boscha had stayed up all night with her for the past couple days trying to find Luz and Amity. Willow was exhausted and giving any store selling apple-blood within Bonesburrogh a run for their money.

"Hey Babe, maybe we should take a break." Boscha put her hands on Willow's shoulders moving her off the wall. Willow looked into Boscha's eyes before fully accepting the hug. "You can't find them if you can barely stand."

"Y-yeah...." Willow already felt herself falling asleep from the warmth radiating off Boscha's touch. Boscha walked them to Willow's bed intending to let her sleep. But the fact Willow continued to cuddle Boscha while laying down was an indication enough that she had to stay. "I wonder if Gus has found anything yet...."

"We're taking a break, so stop thinking about it for now." Willow giggled letting herself calm down.

"Hey Willow you home?!" Augustus's voice made Willow and Boscha jump back up resulting in Willow groaning in annoyance. She snuggled back into Boscha's touch letting Boscha respond.

"Yeah Gus we're up here...." Boscha couldn't hide the disappointment in her voice. The girls slowly got up at the sound of Augustus's footsteps up the stairs. "So, whatcha need?"

"I might've figured out who took Amity and Luz!"

"Really?" Willow's reaction made her seem extremely awake, not a single clue that she was tired.

"Yeah, I found this-uhhh....weapon thing that seemed to be tossed away from where we last saw them." Augustus proceeded to make an illusion of a type of firearm, seeing as it was from the human world it's purpose was foreign to everyone.

"Well then." Boscha paused looking to Willow watching her for a moment, focusing on smaller details about her, significantly the slight lean in her stance. She's putting everything she can into staying awake. "Augustus, you and I will see if we can find who took Luz and Amity, and Willow you go sleep."

"Bu-" Boscha raised her hand turning to look Willow in her eyes.

"We're not arguing on this, you need sleep. You can barely stay awake right now. You haven't slept since they went missing." Willow huffed making a slight pout nearly causing Boscha to laugh.

"Fine, just don't be long." Boscha gave Willow a quick kiss before turning back to Augustus.

"I won't, now go get some sleep."

She's Gone......(Lumity-The Owl House)Where stories live. Discover now