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Kitsune walked Amity down the halls. With every step further from Luz and closer to their destination Amity's pace began to slow. She was getting farther and farther from reality and more into her thoughts, they pulled her into an anxiety inducing world. Her mind wandering as she constantly wondered what would happen to Luz.

"Ms. Blight, please keep up. It's not that much further" Amity looked to Kitsune realizing she had stopped walking and fell behind at least 4 feet. She couldn't speak without fumbling over her words, so she complied with a simple nod moving quickly to catch up. "The did you meet her? She's the first actual human either of us have seen in our whole lives! It's intriguing to say the least that the daughter of such a prestigious family would end up with her."

"S-school...." Kitsune stopped in front of a door turning to look at Amity, who stood beside him fidgeting anxiously. She looked at the mask hiding Kitsune's face the ominous feeling from it returning. He tilted his head maintaining eye contact as he moved his hand to cup Amity's cheek, she flinched back nearly smacking his mask off. Kitsune turned away from her as he placed his hand against the door unlocking it completely unfazed.

"You're quite beautiful you know, I'd say the human is very lucky." The door opened and Kitsune motioned for Amity to walk inside, but she remained motionless fearful of what was waiting for her. "Come on now, that luck will get you no where if you don't act on it." Amity slowly walked inside the dark room. Kitsune flicked a switch turning on the lights revealing the room's interior that was centered around a chair in the center. Amity blinked a few times adjusting to the light before she noticed a table sat beside the chair. There was a tray holding multiple needles, but only one of them had anything in it. Amity backed away running into the door that was now locked. She looked at the floor seeing the dry stains of blood. "Oh don't worry, I'll be gentle." Kitsune took hold of Amity's hand dragging her towards the chair.

"No!" She cast a spell with her free hand sending a fireball towards his face knocking of the mask. "Y-you're-" Amity couldn't finish saying who he was before Kitsune grabbed her neck smashing her into a wall.

"Don't! Don't you dare say another fucking word!" He laughed as tears started forming in his eyes from the pain. "I try don't I? I try so hard to be nice for you and Luz. But always have to fight it don't you?!" Kitsune's grip tightened making Amity struggle to fight back, she eventually got a good enough kick to Kitsune's stomach that he stumbled back into the chair. Releasing Amity in the process she fell to the ground. She didn't have time to complain about her neck, all she needed was to get out of there. Taking in a needed breathe Amity got up quickly trying to break the door, but it wasn't effected by Magic, not in the slightest. Kitsune laughed again more maniacally as he got off the chair picking up a needle. "You can't break that one down silly..."  Amity whipped her head around only to feel her heart drop at the sight of Kitsune.

"Please K-" Before Amity knew it the needle was in her neck. The subtle sound of Kitsune pushing the substance out of the needle filled the silence.

"Now, since you can no longer fight back, let's remind you who's in charge here." Kitsune whispered in Amity's ear before he removed the needle letting her body fall. He crouched down to the motionless body grinning from ear to ear. The potion he injected forbid her to move, but she was still very aware of everything around her. Grabbing ahold of Amity's chin he lifted it so she was looking at him. "This'll be fun~"


Strolling through the halls Luz looked around surprisingly calm, she didn't feel that Malcom was any sort of threat to her. Even if he was she could just kick him and walk off due to his height.  Naming off room after room Malcom guided Luz through the hideout, but she stared at Malcom and nothing else. He was just so short even when adding that he was likely the same age as Luz if not older. "And here is the kitchen-"

"How tall are you?"

"What?" Malcom turned around to see Luz smirking. He sighed rolling his eyes before rotating his head towards the front of him. "3'2" He grumbled as he heard Luz gasp.

"Jeez you're way shorter than me! I'm pretty sure even King is taller than you!"

"Please do not compare to your friends..." Malcom sighed continuing on with the tour. He stopped once they reached the door leading to Amity and Kitsune. "O-oh we should go, Master Kitsune wouldn't like it if we bothered him." Luz would've easily followed Malcom if she hadn't heard Amity screaming from the room.


"W-wait human!" Luz had already made a break for the door. It created a pained feeling in Luz to hear Amity's voice like this. She desperately banged on the door until the screams stopped. Luz stared at the door flinching back when it moved. Kitsune answer the door a scowl visible through his mask. Luz tried to look behind him only catching a glance at a pool of blood before Kitsune walked out of room closing the door.

"Do you need something human?" He suddenly came off as intimidating, his voice, his stance, everything he was doing reminded Luz what kind of person he is. She glanced at his outfit seeing fresh blood begin to sink in his clothes. "Well?"

"What are you doing to her?" Luz surprised Kitsune with the serious tone she kept. He chuckled shaking his head.

"Amity is fine."

"I'll ask again. What.Are.You.Doing.To.Her?" Luz spoke slowly as if Kitsune was illiterate, and couldn't understand. "I'm not leaving till I get a clear answer." Kitsune leaned over Luz gauging where she was at.

"Listen, I've got work to do so if you don't mi-" Luz slid past Kitsune opening the door, catching him completely off guard. By the time he could react he didn't have the ability to do anything, Luz had already got inside the room. Pressing her back against the door Luz took a moment to think about what she just did, but that didn't last long once she saw Amity's body. Her hands were tied behind the chair. Amity's face made her look shocked that Luz was even there, but she quickly formed a smile at the sight of Luz.

"Oh gosh Amity...Are you okay?!" Luz locked the door and went to Amity, examining her wounds. Kitsune had been stabbing her repeatedly with needles, leaving countless puncture wounds in her stomach. The potion was still in effect leaving Amity literally speechless. "Give me a second..." Luz looked around the room seeing there was absolutely zero bandages or cloth lying around. Luz sighed and took off her hoodie setting it on the table before untying Amity. She picked up her hoodie and wrapped it around the wounds tying it off as a makeshift bandage. Amity couldn't stop herself from blushing throughout the whole process. Luz helped Amity to her feet she couldn't stand on her own at the moment, or really walk for that matter.

"HUMAN I SWEAR TO THE TITAN IF YOU DON'T OPEN THIS DOOR!!" Luz's grip on Amity strengthened knowing neither of them could fight Kitsune. She spotted the needle that was thrown onto the floor. Knowing it likely contained something she could use against Kitsune, Luz carefully set Amity against the wall and grabbed the needle. She unlocked the door preparing herself to stab Kitsune. Barley opening the door Luz spotted Kitsune pacing back and forth.  She closed the door loudly to get his attention. He threw the door open and Luz instantly stabbed the needle into his side injecting the potion. "'re clever human aren't you?" Kitsune slowly fell over face first making Luz laugh a bit before helping Amity up and out of the room. Locking Kitsune inside.

"Okay...I-I think we're alright..."

"Master!" Malcom came running past the girls nearly knocking them over, Luz had to pull Amity close to her chest to prevent it. They watched as the small boy clawed at the door soon realizing it wasn't gonna open. "Let him out you here me!" He turned to Luz aggressively waving his arms around.

"Alright chill pipsqueak. I'll unlock the door, if you get us out of here deal?" He put his arms to his side looking at the door then back at Luz simultaneously. He grumbled and started walking away.


Luz started to walk with Amity getting used to Amity's inability to move, that was until Amity moved her arms. She didn't move them far, just enough to be hugging Luz. Luz smiled placing her hand on Amity's head ruffling her hair. "Feeling better Mi amor?"

"Y-yeah...." Amity sighed leaning into Luz's touch, making sure to enjoy the moment unsure how long it would last. Luz moved her hand of Amity's head and down to her arm, leaning her head onto Amity's. For once they didn't have to be scared for one another, it was nice after everything.

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