"Stay with me..."

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(Last chapter something pretty amazing happened. So much so I turned it into a YouTube video! Thanks to everyone who made that video possible and letting me use your comments)

Eda was trying her best to keep the curse under control, but the amount of magic it was taking has been effecting her painfully. "Damn curse..." Eda winced at the movement of casting a healing spell. The spell was supposed to numb the pain, yet the curse forbid it's efforts. Eda had a sense of lingering fear clouding her thoughts. She knew Luz was safe, but if anything were to try and harm her again she wasn't sure if the Park family could help Luz.

"Hey over there..." A rustling sound came from a patch of bushes nearby the cave Eda and Luz had been using as a hideout. Two figures lurked in the cover of darkness watching Eda's movements. The voice was unrecognizable to Eda, so she opted for preparing to defend herself. "Owl Lady?"

"What do you want?" Eda stood up quickly summoning her palismen to her side. The swift movement made her body protest in agony. Causing Eda to fall to her knees whilst using her staff to hold her up.

"It's her come on!" The figures jumped out of the darkness revealing themselves as young apprentices in the Emporer's Coven.

"They really sent a bunch of kids to stop me?" The roaring torture in Eda's aching body only worsened as she stood up to face the children.

"You better watch yourself Owl Lady." The young apprentice smirked whilst the other laughed.

"You watch it kiddo." Eda's serious eyes glared at young witches. Their true fear arose at the sight of Eda fully ready to attack.They'd only seen her carefree beforehand.

"Hey we gotta do the thing!"

"Huh? Oh yeah!" The apprentices started chanting a spell. As their eyes began to glow.

"ɭєՇ Շђє ՇเՇคภ ђєคг ๓ץ קɭєค, คภ๔ รєภՇ Շђเร ฬ๏๓คภ ฬђєгє รђє ๓ยรՇ ๒є!"

A large sphere surrounded Eda, and gradually became smaller. As the sphere collided with Eda her body began to dissolve. "What the!!" Eda couldn't use her magic to get her out of the situation.She was trapped. With a fate unknown...

"Bye Bye Owl Lady....."


"I can't believe she actually sent it to them." Amity sat next to Luz in defeat.

"She didn't just send it to the twins~" Luz playfully waved her phone to show the picture of Amity and Luz kissing.

"Wha-! Willow!" Amity went all red as she headed back towards Willow.

"Something wrong mittens~?" Willow chuckled using the nickname Amity's siblings gave her.

"I- don't call me that!"

"Your so cute~"

"Hmph." Luz chuckled at Amity's temper

"You're being such a tsundere right now"


"Don't worry about it Amity." Amity rolled her eyes as a joke while sitting back down.

"Sure Luz"  After Amity's small comment someone knocked on the front door.

"Who's that?" Willow shrugged at Luz's confusion.Willow made her way to the door, and turned the handle.In return the open entrance showed Boscha standing outside. 

"O-oh! Everybody's here....."

"Do you need something Boscha?"

"I-I umm,well no it's just!" Boscha started blushing as she fumbled with her words.Willow just grinned at her crush, resisting the urge to laugh.."I'm sorry-I-I should gay-GO!" Boscha took off running in the opposite direction of Willow's house.

"Pfft- Boscha wait up!" Willow headed for Boscha leaving Amity and Luz to process what just happened. Amity looked over at Luz who burst out laughing the moment they left.

"Who knew Boscha would be so panicky when love struck?" 

"Pft- yeah!"


Willow had almost caught up with Boscha by the time she ran in the woods.

"Where did she go?" Willow leaned against a nearby tree to catch her breath. "Jeez guess grudgby really has an effect on her athletics..." Willow stood herself up, and continued on her search. Little did she know her and Boscha weren't the only ones close by....

"Mrs.Blight? What are you-" Willow froze as she heard Boscha scream from afar.

"Boscha where are you?!" Willow ran as fast as she could towards Boscha's pained voice. When she arrived at the origin of the agonizing sounds Boscha was barely standing whilst holding herself upright against a tree. Boscha was gripping her stomach, and her third eye was closed as well.

"W-willow...?" Boscha fell to the ground. Willow rushed over to Boscha as quick as she could.

"Boscha!" Willow sat next to Boscha trying to figure out had happened to her.

"The blights..." Boscha lost sense of consciousness, and leaned against Willow. Urging Willow to make a quiet peep from the sudden touch. Willow shifted Boscha slightly to get a better look at her wounds. Boscha's hand had moved from its original spot revealing blood on her palm.

"Boscha...? Boscha!" Willow conjured up a couple vines to keep pressure on the wound. "Come on. Stay with me..." Willow lifted Boscha's body with the help of her plant magic, and walked back to her house. By the time she got there it was obvious Boscha wasn't the only one under attack.

"Amity! Amity please wake up!" Luz was huddled on the ground Amity in her arms.

"Luz what happened?!"

"I-I don't know! Amity and I were talking before she randomly stood up, and went outside.Then she just collapsed!" Willow carefully set Boscha down to check on Amity. Luz gently laid Amity on the ground.

"She looks fine, but I think she might be stuck inside some kind of psychological torture."


"She told me a few things that's happened to her. It's likely she was drawn out with a spell and sent into a constant nightmare. The magic was made illegal, but seeing as most victims aren't able to report in time for the witches to get caught. They can get away with it, but only a select few of witches know about this magic.Not only that, but you need to be extremely powerful for the it to work." Willow stared at Amity. She could only hope that Amity can survive the pain she was going through....

She's Gone......(Lumity-The Owl House)Where stories live. Discover now