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Eda awoke in shackles. Restrained from moving any more than an inch. Her body is partially burned as well.

"Let me see her!" A concerned voice came from the door.

"Sorry, we we're given strict orders"

"Do you really want to get on my bad side right now?"

"N-no Miss!" A jumpy guard unlocked the door allowing the concerned woman through.


"Lilith...." Eda found herself in excruciating pain as she spoke. Her body was too weak to handle much of anything.

"Save your strength..." Lilith bent down towards Eda to remove her restraints. "I'm sorry I didn't come sooner"

"D-don't be...." Eda's body went limp the moment Lilith released her. Lilith took Eda in her arms and cast a sleep spell on the nearby guards. Lilith felt guilt set in as she left the dungeon. She caused this. If she hadn't let pride and fear cloud her mind corrupting her judgment on Emperor Belos's intentions. They wouldn't be in this situation. "What would life be like instead?" Lilith wondered. It's likely her protege would be spending her free time with the human and her sister.


"Kikimora...." Questioning how trustworthy Kikimora is. Lilith started planning her likely needed escape from the short assistant.

"I see you've acquired your sister how unfortunate...." As Lilith expected Kikimora was against her. Lilith quickly prepared to execute her escape as plan Kikimora cast a sleep spell.

"Wai-!" Lilith fell unconscious leaving her fate up for Kikimora to decide....


Within the Park home Willow was checking on the wounds Luz gained prior to Amity and Boscha's. Plenty of the bruises healed, and a couple burns were looking better. Yet the bleeding cuts remained. Willow took a small note of the amount of bleeding the cuts have been causing.

"We need to change your bandages"

"I feel like you should be more concerned with Boscha and Amity...." Willow has yet to do much with Boscha's wounds. She was aware of what they could be, but knowing she'd have to remove her clothing to treat them. Made it an impossible task for her. Willow shook her head to clear her mind of the possible outcomes of tending to Boscha.

"Not now. I-I'll treat her later." Luz noticed the flustered tone in Willow's voice. Causing a smirk to crease her lips.

"You know~" Luz began grinning from ear to ear while speaking "If you, and Boscha work out she'll be begging you to take off he-" Willow quickly covered Luz's mouth, while blushing as red as Amity.

"Quiet!" Luz grabbed Willow's hand removing it from her mouth. Allowing her to tease Willow once more.

"Don't tell me you're afraid of her?~Or is she that good?" Willow tried her best to dismiss Luz's suggestive manner, but her joking assumption caused her to have tempting thoughts.

"Unngh! Why do you do these things!" Luz began to laugh uncontrollably at Willow's frustration.

"Pffft- I can't believe you would think of that!" Willow starting considering ways to get back at Luz. Until the perfect one came across her mind.

"What about you and Amity? You can't say you haven't thought of it" Luz had an instant reaction. Her face became redder than Willow's as she wrapped her head in her hoodie.

"Ha! I knew it!" Willow shot her fist in the air in success.

"Shush" Luz's voice had an embarrassed sound to it. Willow rolled her eyes at Luz, and went to check on Amity.

"What's wrong with- Nnngh..." Amity mumbled quietly whilst shifting her body. Willow listened closely to what she was saying. The spell caused sleep talking to happen frequently, and can be understood perfectly. Although there wasn't much she could do, besides wait for the spell to wear off. "I don't care...it's my choice...."

"She seem okay?" Luz peered at Amity's troubled expression.

"I don't know..."

"D-dad?" Amity continued to move around. Nearly kicking Willow in the process. "I'm sorry! I-I'll stop talking to her j-just please!"

"Hey Amity it's okay...." Willow tried her best to comfort Amity. She was nervous to learn what exactly happens to Amity.

"PLEASE NOT AGAIN! I PROMISE I LIKE GUYS YOU DON'T HAVE TO!" Willow took a moment to process Amity's pleading. Forcing a dark thought to appear."Please..."

"Amity?" Willow spoke quietly hoping her intuition on Amity's words was wrong. Amity made a soft moan and went quiet. "Jeez...."


"I....I think Amity's dad might....well umm" Willow didn't know how to put her thoughts into words. Willow twirled her hair around her finger, and took a deep breath to calm down."Let's just say it nothing good okay?" Luz nodded seeing Willow's distress.

"How much longer do you think the spell will last?"

"30 minutes, an hour maybe even two. It all depends on how powerful the user is."

"I don't want her to wait that long....it doesn't feel right..." Luz came out of her hoodie with a worrying tone layering over her voice. "I really want to help her"

"There's nothing we can do for her....she's on her own" Luz sighed mumbling in spanish.

"Maldito hechizo....." Luz became fidgety and started tapping her fingers. Seemingly lost in thought. "Since Amity's not waking up anytime soon, why not tend to Boscha?" Willow groaned knowing it's the best thing for her to do.

"Fine..." Willow grabbed a first aid kit as she walked over to Boscha, and moved her shirt just enough so it was out of the way.


"Shut up..." Willow carefully cleaned the laceration on Boscha's stomach. Hoping Boscha wouldn't wake up while their so close. Willow grabbed bandages, and slowly started to wrap Boscha's wound.

"Might make it easier if you just take it off~" Willow ignored Luz's comment, focusing on tending to Boscha.

"And done" Willow dragged Boscha's shirt back to where it was.

"You still wanna take it off~"

"Luz if you don't shut you-" Willow went toward Luz bringing plants toward them, but was cut off by Amity groaning.

"What....." Amity slowly sat up to examine her surroundings.

"Amity!" Luz hopped out of her seat, and over to Amity. Hugging her before she could even react.Luz sat on Amity's lap excitedly.

"Whoa hey I wasn't out that long was I?" Amity returned the hug happily. Luz pulled away from Amity slightly to kiss her. Amity felt herself blush deep red as they kissed. Upon pulling away from each other they locked eyes. "Guess it was too long for you" Amity chuckled.

"Way too long...." Amity grabbed Luz's jaw pulling her in for another kiss. Luz carried her hands under Amity's shirt, and to Amity's bare back.Provoking a small peep from Amity.

"Hate to be the awkward third wheel, but do you mind making out on your own time?" Willow had her scroll out, and was smirking at the two lovebirds.

"S-sorry Willow!" Luz got off Amity in a panic. "Gah that was so dumb!"

"I liked it." Amity gave Luz a hug from behind, before kissing Luz on the cheek. Proceeding to cover Luz's face in an overwhelming blush.

Adorable as always....

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