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(❗️⚠️TW Mentions of Suicide and a little Violence⚠️❗️)

"Let go of me!" Amity struggled against Boscha as they stood close to the edge daring closer than Boscha liked. "I don't care anymore! I've fucked up everything I've got nothing to lose! Please just let me go!"

"I'm not letting you go okay?! Cause if you go I'll lose something, a friend, someone I can count on. Is this what your siblings would want?!" Boscha tried desperately to say anything to convince Amity she didn't want this. "Please..." At this point Boscha had started crying.

"That....That's not my problem!" Amity maneuvered Boscha's arm close to her mouth biting hard on it forcing Boscha to let go. "Just look at all the trouble I'm putting you through now...I'm already dying y'know, I mean just look at me." Amity smiled lifting her arms openly showing all the wounds Kitsune caused, all the scars her father caused, and even with all that there were worse scars psychologically left by her mother remaining unseen. "All this pain? Heh I can make it stop once I step back can't I?" Amity stepped back farther just barely standing on enough ground to keep her from falling.

"Amity wait!" Luz and Augustus ran towards Amity stopping at the same distance as Boscha. "Please I can't lose you too, Boscha's not the one that'll lose something if you go. I'll lose the only person that's really really cared about me, not to mention how you'd throw away all the good you've done like rekindle your relationship with Willow—"

"What does it matter in the end?! I can't change the pain I caused her or me, we'd just be ignoring what's set in stone! I'm useless for anything good, I've caused you all so much trouble hell I just fucking bit Boscha to get to the edge and kill myself...." Amity raised her hands lifting hair in front her face and setting it back in place. She slowly started stepping back but stopped once she saw Willow appear riding behind Edalyn on her staff, leaving her foot over halfway off the edge. Her eyes widened in panic and she slipped.

"Amity!" Luz sprinted to the edge reaching her hand out to try and catch Amity. The girl she's spent so much time with these last weeks, maybe it's months by now, but that didn't matter. All that did was if she couldn't save Amity she'd lose all those memories there'd be nothing left to make her feel happy from, those thoughts could only bring her sorrow if she was gone. Amity slightly reached her hand out but not enough. Luz could only reach her fingertips by the time she had stretched her arm out. "N-no..." Everything was still in slow motion for Luz. She was frozen in place, stuck and useless. Just sitting there watching Amity fall. Within a heartbeat she disappeared from Luz's sight. She couldn't have fallen into the boiling water below, there were rocks blocking the shore. Besides her body would've been more noticeable if she had hit the rocks, although gruesome.

"Hey!" Amity's voice appeared behind the group as Edalyn and Willow carried her back to solid ground. "W-what are you doing?!" Willow had quickly wrapped Amity in vines to keep her from getting away as easily.

"Not letting you just kill yourself! Amity what were you thinking?!" Willow threw her arms around Amity hugging her tightly. Amity couldn't understand why, even if Willow and her started talking again, she caused so much misery for Willow.... She knew Willow didn't hate her but...

"Damnit why can't you all just hate me!" Amity caved and started sobbing into Willow's shoulder. They all looked at each other unsure what to say. "I fucking bullied you and Gus for years, I was barely a friend to Boscha, I mainly used my 'friends' as occasional rage outlet, and Luz... I just put our lives at risk for being stupidly ignorant." Luz walked to Amity and Willow crouching down to join the hug. "I don't deserve any of you..."

"Yes you do Amity. After all this stress and pain the least you deserve is people caring about you." Luz kept her voice strong making sure Amity would get the point, despite the fact they're both crying.

"Damnit!" A different voice yelled from afar, everybody turned to see Viney covering her mouth in a panic. She was dressed in dark clothing and she's holding a knife tightly in one hand.

"Viney? What are you doing here..?"

"I..I...." Viney dropped the knife and fell to her knees. "It wasn't supposed to happen like this! I don't want to do this." Augustus cautiously walked over to Viney trying to understand her actions. "No! Stay back!" Viney grabbed the knife scrambling to her feet. "H-he'll make me hurt you...." Augustus backed away raising his hands slowly.

"Nobody has to get hurt..."

"Yes they do! I...I don't wanna die from him...." Viney wiped tears that had just started to fall. "Please...forgive me." Viney tightly gripped the knife and swung at Augustus narrowly missing him. Edalyn quickly came to the kid's aid and put Viney in a force field.

"What the hell kid!"

"Stop! You don't understand! If I don't do this he'll come! It'll be worse!" Viney kept crying barely having enough energy to hit the edge of the force field. "Please...." Viney eventually gave up and sank back to her knees letting go of the knife. "He made me hurt Mr.Park...I refused to hurt J-Jerbo and..." Before Viney could keep talking over her own sobbing Willow got up and stormed over to Viney.

"You stabbed my dad?!"

"I-I didn't want to-"

"He could've died! Thankfully he's in the hospital, if we found him any second later I'd probably be at a funeral right now!" Willow's voice cracked slightly as she shivered a little at the thought of attending a funeral for her father.

"I know! I know...." Willow wanted to keep shouting but backed off at the sight of Viney's state. "I was supposed to kill him, 'spice things up a bit', f-for that creature's entertainment."

"Exactly~ Well done Viney, Kitsune will be happy to hear about this."

She's Gone......(Lumity-The Owl House)Where stories live. Discover now