Quick Relief

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(This is my first time drawing Viney so I hope you like it!)

Viney was strolling through the hospital's halls. She was supposed to be working as a volunteer, but she couldn't help herself when given the opportunity to help Emira. She found a secret tunnel her first day volunteering and was planning to use it to sneak Edric's health reports to Emira. Viney snagged the health reports, and quickly cast a spell as she ran into the wall while it moved out of her way.

"I really hope nobody saw that." Viney cast a light spell so she could find her way around the maze of hallways. Thankfully the amount of time she's spent in the tunnels at Hexside helped her from getting lost. Viney walked through the long corridors, and stopped in front of a wall. Placing her hand on one of the bricks dragging her hand in a specific pattern to open it. Once Viney lifted her hand from its final position. The pattern glowed a bright shade of blue, as the wall opened into Edric's room. Inside Emira and Edric were passed out. She stopped to stare at Emira's sleepy expression. Blushing at her actions she snapped herself out of her trance. "No wonder their twins." Viney shook her head and sat down in an empty chair, looking over Edric's health.

Name:Edric Blight
Reason for visit: Severe burns, and lacerations through the stomach. Broken bones (Ribs, right arm)
Cause of injury:Unknown
Theory:Unstable relationship(s)?

"No kidding." Viney scoffed at the theory section. Scanning the rest of the report, it seemed Edric would make a full recovery.

"You got it!" Emira found her way over to Viney without her noticing. "Hmm." Emira took the papers from Viney reading them over. "How did he even survive all this? How did we get here in time? Why didn't he bleed out at the library?" Emira ranted off questions Viney couldn't answer. She knew that, but she had to ask them. Even if she didn't get an explanation for them.

"Emmie all that matters is that he'll be okay. Don't beat yourself up for things you can't control." Viney wrapped her arms around Emira. Calming her down.

"Sorry. I can't help, but worry." Emira chuckled.

"Ngh worry about wha-" Edric yawned before he could finish his sentence. Edric looked over at Viney and Emira trying to guess what happened. "I hope you weren't planning on anything just cause I was sleeping." A smirk made its way to Edric's face, as he rubbed the tiredness out of his eyes.

"Ed!" Emira snapped back at him. Making Viney jump slightly before chuckling. Emira was stuck listening to the two's chuckles, eventually breaking into a fit of laughter herself. The feeling was nice. It broke the fear and worry that laced the tension between them all.


"Whoa! What's this one called?" Luz eagerly pointed to a plant in Willow's room.

"Phantom Ezess. It's commonly used for transformation potions or curses. If it's part of a curse the victim will transform whatever time of day  the flower was picked. Kind of like Eda's curse, but you still know what you're doing. I think." Willow shrugged looking over to see Boscha scrolling through Pentstagram while laying on he bed. Amity laid on a dark blue beanbag with her eyes closed, yet she wasn't sleeping. "Hey Amity, whatcha doing?"


"About what?" Luz stopped gawking over the flowers, and turned to look at Amity.

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