It'll be alright

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Luz was sitting on the edge of a cliff, atop of the knee, gazing at the evening sky.Luz couldn't help but wonder how Amity was feeling. It hurt her to think about how painful some of their interactions must've been for Amity, before she spoke truthfully about her feelings. "Ergh.." Luz groaned at the thought.

"Oh jeez poor kid..." Whilst sitting inside a cave near a campfire, Eda was watching a playback of what happened at the library with a spell.

"What happened?!" Luz jumped up from her spot nearly slipping off the edge.

"What Amity's parents did to's awful." Luz took a glance at the scene shown.Amity's sister and a clone of their mother arguing, while Amity stood infear crying.

"W-what happened?" Luz stared intently at the spell.She's never seen Amity cry before, and she wasn't gonna let her cry again.At least if she can help it.

"Well..."Eda didn't know how to put it gently.She grew up with Amity's parents, so she was aware of how violent her father is.But to hurt his own children?That was something she didn't expect. "There's no easy way to say this Kiddo, but Amity's parents abuse her." Luz was taken aback.She started to think about things she could've done to help.The signs she missed.Everything.

"Why didn't I realize that?! There's so many things she does that explains that!" Luz felt guilty.She's never been abused herself, but she's had friends that have been through that.She should know the signs.

"Hey kid don't beat yourself up."Eda could tell she felt guilty, with the amount of time she's spent with Luz she can tell her emotions now.

"I....I should have known...." Luz had an outburst of tears.

"Come here kid, you look like you need one of your humans things." Eda pulled Luz into a hug letting her sob for a few minutes. Until something started to happen at library.Eda glared at the spell, hoping everyone would be okay.....


"L-Luz?"Amity didn't understand why there'd be a clone of Luz she didn't hurt her.

"Awww look how scared you's adorable"

"Stop" Amity tried to block out the clone's voice with her hands on her ears.

"Oh poor thing...You don't trust me? I thought you loved me...."

"No that's not what I-!" Amity couldn't think rationally.She knew it wasn't real, but it felt that way.It was too much for her. "NO! Stop it!!" Amity wanted to cry she felt so wrapped up in her head.

"Carniño, it's okay.It's Luz...your dorky otter."

"Wait...."Amity was confused.It couldn't be Luz.Not her Luz.

"Amity..."Amity turned her head to face Emira.She was still crouched next to Edric.Tears In her eyes. "E-Edric's not breathing." Amity's eyes grew wide in shock.


"He's not breathing and I don't know what to do!"Amity didn't have time to respond to Emira before being punched by Luz's clone.

"Aw look how pathetic you are!" Luz's clone spoke in Luz's cheery optimistic voice.It hurt Amity to be disregarded by Luz's happy tone.

"Stop please!!"All Amity could do was plead.She couldn't hurt Luz even if it was a clone.

"Face it.Your weak and worthless.Your parents were right to pound that into your head." The clone's voice, now intense and stubborn, made Amity cry.She didn't think anything could be worse than her parents abuse, yet here she was pathetic and weak.Just like Luz said.....

"Amity we have to go!" Emira has been talking to Amity, but she didn't hear her.All she heard was Luz's voice talking down on her. "Amity!!" Emira took Amity's arm and lifted her off the ground.

"Wha?" Amity didn't realize that until she was standing again.She was stuck in her head.

"We need to go and get help!"Emira dragged Amity out of the library and carried Edric with a floatation spell.They traveled through the woods looking for a place to stay.

"Where are we going?"

"I don't know where we can go"

"You take Edric home.I might know a place."

"Amity I can-"

"Yes you can,and you need to hurry.I won't forgive myself if he dies because of me."Amity cut Emira off.She knew Emira wouldn't leave her by herself in the woods.

"Amity...."Amity walked off towards Boscha's house, but she quickly changed direction and headed for Willow's house.She might not be allowed to associate with Willow, but she couldn't stand Boscha.Plus with the mental state she's in it wouldn't be a good idea anyway.

"Great job Little Miss Perfect.Now you have to explain to Willow what you're doing here."Amity started talking to herself as she got close to Willow's. "Ungh.I don't feel like dealing with this tonight."Amity was standing in front of Willow's house, but she wished she was back at The Owl House when it wasn't destroyed and Luz was there.

"Amity?" Willow was behind Amity.From where she was standing it seemed she was just getting back home from Boscha's.

"Wha! Uhm Willow what are you doing outside?!"

"Shh! Keep your voice down!"


"I was......with a friend..."Amity took a glance at Willow's outfit.She seemed to be in casual clothing, but it looked nicer that what she usually wears.

"Okay well...I need a place to stay."

"And you came to me?"

"I wasn't going to Boscha's and The Owl House wasn't an option."

"What why?"

"The owl house has been destroyed."

"Is everyone okay?!"

"King is fine he's passed out in the library.He can occupy himself for now."

"Amity I'd help, but I'm already risking getting grounded by sneaking out.I can't have you here unannounced!"

"Oh grounded, right that's nothing like what I have to deal with." Amity was mumbling under her breath.

"What? Amity are you okay?" Somehow Willow heard her anyway.

"I....I umm.I'm not comfortable talking about it right now."

"I understand, just know I'll be here to talk and help you when I can."Amity was thankful for Willow.She may have been a jerk to Willow before, but she never forgot what a blessing Willow was to her life.Every time Amity was treated horribly Willow was there to brighten her day.

"Thanks Willow"

"It's no problem really."

"Crap where else can I go?"Amity was muttering to herself.She was trying to figure out a place.She really didn't want to got to Boscha's or Scara's.

"Well...."Willow noticed Amity's distress and decided to figure out how to help. "If you really need a place to stay, and are super quiet I guess you can stay."

"Really?"Amity looked Willow in her eyes, she honestly didn't believe Willow would let her stay.

I really hope this was a good decision...

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