Blight Blood

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⚠️TW:Mentions of Suicide⚠️

Viney looked behind her and pressed her back against the force field at the sight of the creature. "I'm sorry I couldn't kill her! Please don't do that again!" The creature waved it's hand in front of Viney shaking its head.

"Fear not Viney, the show you've produced is already plenty entirtaining. Besides there's no way to be discreet about this kill." The creature laughed for a moment before walking towards Eda. "Well, well, well, the infamous Eda The Owl Lady..."

"Yeah? What's it to ya?"

"Nothing really..." The creature circled Edalyn with a black misty substance following behind. "Just that your death would be so pleasureful..." The mist slowly formed shackles around Edalyn's wrists and neck. "Unfortunately due to Kitsune's contract I'm forbidden from doing anything fatal to those without Blight blood." The creature sighed ceasing the mist and retreating back to Viney.

"J-just Blight blood..?" Amity slowly got off the ground. Seemingly hesitant to come close. "So your the one who killed my siblings..?" The creature shrugged.

"Technically speaking Kitsune ordered me to attack Edric and use Emira to do Viney's job. However, Emira got caught in the crossfire. But yes, I am the one that killed your siblings." The creature smirked as he looked at Amity. "I was going to kill you yet it seems you've got that covered. You're right you know, they should all hate you...or maybe just pity you, since it seems that's the least they can do to someone that's such a burden to others." The creature floated to Amity as he spoke, occasionally adding a layer of anger or despair in his voice depending on what he was saying. Amity looked away from the creature and towards the ground. She felt guilty for wanting to kill herself, at the same time she felt guilty that she didn't follow through with it. As simple as you could put her complex thoughts she was confused. Extremely confused, for Amity couldn't decide whether to yell at the creature for killing her siblings or to beg him to just end her right here right now. That's probably his plan anyway.

"¡Maldito gilipollas! Juro por dios si tuviera magia-" Luz's rage induced rant of Spanish was cut off by the creature literally shushing her with a supposed tail at the end of his wispy figure.

"Calm down human..." The creature's 'tail' wrapped around her neck slightly lifting her off the ground. "Or I'll be forced to deal with you ruthlessly." Amity watched Luz desperately struggle and in a panic tried to stop the creature.

"W-wait!" Amity spoke frantically. "Y-you're just here to kill me right? So just do that a-and leave them alone."

"" Luz could barely say Amity's name let alone beg her to stop.

"What's the fun in killing you when you're already suicidal? If you're going to do my job—" The creature let go of Luz and she immediately had a coughing fit. The creature payed no mind to Luz, rather he turned to look at Amity. He held out his hands forming a spear-point knife that held an intricate design of roses on the purple tinted blade. "—you better make it a hell of a show dear~" Amity froze at the sight of the knife. The mere sight of it reminded her of one of her first attempts at suicide.

It was only four years ago when Emira found Amity about to slit her wrists. She was going to pull a prank but the second she noticed the blood on Amity's arm she almost couldn't believe it. If it weren't for Emira catching Amity as she had just started to cut herself Amity likely wouldn't be as good off as she is now. Amity thought about how she made Emira swear she wouldn't say a word to their parents or brother. Ever since Amity would talk to Emira and make sense of her feelings...well when she was alive.

"I...." If Amity were to kill herself now what would Emira think. Would her existence to Amity have meant anything at all if she had just ended it. "I c-can't....even if I deserve it I...I just can't!" Amity felt herself cry again while the creature began to frown for once.

"Well alright then, beggars can't be choosers." He flipped the knife around in his hand delicately playing with it. Eventually he made a fist around the handle making it Luz's turn to panic.

"No!" Luz bolted up and before Amity knew it she was in front of her. Just as the creature went to stab Amity....Luz fell backwards into Amity.

"Fuck! The contract!" The creature began to dissolve and disappear. As he dissolved Amity fell to the ground with Luz in her arms. Once the creature disappeared everyone else rushed over seeming as it was safe enough.

"L-Luz...?" Amity's actions became so frantic her hands began to shake. She could barely calm herself enough to hold Luz's hand. "What were you thinking?!

"I was thinking about you Amity. I care about you way more than I ever thought I could for anyone." Luz winced in pain to the point she moved enough the knife came loose causing her to start to bleed. "Fuck..."

"The knife was the only thing stopping the bleeding." Edalyn spoke as she crouched down. "Hey anybody have clothes they can spare?" Boscha took off her hoodie and handed it to Edalyn leaving Boscha in a tank top. Edalyn carefully wrapped the hoodie around the wound keeping the knife incase it was still blocking most of the blood. Luz could barely keep still from the pain. Within seconds Boscha's hoodie was soaked in blood. Edalyn quickly cast a floatation spell on Luz and we all quickly made our way to the hospital. Since Edalyn was Luz's guardian only she was allowed to go with the Luz and the doctors. Leaving Lilith, Willow, Augustus, Boscha, and Amity behind.

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