"Don't Worry"

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The unknown voice kept their weapon aimed at Luz ready to fire. She had put her hands up in fear completely unable to help Amity....

"Look, I don't know who you are or what this is about, but you don't need to do this."

"Shut the hell up! The Blights deserve everything I've done to them and everything they have coming to them! After all these years I can finally kill them like they did to my family...." The voice cracked on the last sentence making Luz start to question the witch.

"Then don't repeat the cycle! By killing them you're only fighting fire with fire and that'll get you no where!"

"Fucking shut your mouth and stand up!" Luz did as instructed only hoping she can get Amity help in time. "Now if you want to keep her alive you better follow my instructions better next time." The unknown witch walked closer to Luz smacking her in the back of her head with his weapon, effectively knocking her out. "Dumb bitch, Malcom! Come take care of the girls! I've got a fun game waiting for them." The witch sent their servant to do their bidding as they made their way to their next destination.


"Unngh my head...." Luz awoke on cold concrete like floor wincing in pain as she took in the room around her. It was basically pitch black with a dim candle in the center of the room, lighting up little to nothing. The faint sounds of water dripping off a pipe filled the silence. Luz touched her head feeling a trickle of blood. She grabbed the candleholder trying to get a better grasp of the area. There wasn't much in the room only a few shackles attached to the wall, but none of them were attached to Luz. She went to the edge of the room carrying the candle finding a door opening it. At first there was nobody in the hall connecting to the room. Until a small light brightened the hall, as an exceptionally short male witch turned the corner carrying a small lamp. He looked at Luz dropping the lamp in fear shattering the glass.


"N-no! No sir! I wouldn't betray your instructions to be extremely careful with your things!" Malcom bent down gathering the shards moving the wooden frame out of the way. "No,no,no,no,no...." Malcom fiddled around with the broken pieces quickly realizing it was beyond repair. Luz watched the stressed boy wondering why he didn't use a spell to fix it.

"Malcom do you have the girls yet?!" Luz noticed the voice say 'girls' thinking maybe Amity could be nearby she went deeper into the hall away from Malcom. She was soon met with another room. When she carefully opened the door barely peeking inside it suddenly swung open, and she was thrown to the ground hands gripping her throat. The impact with the floor worsening the wound on Luz's head.

"S-stop!" Luz could barely speak before the hands left her neck. Luz coughed for a moment grasping her neck. She looked at the girl towering above her, who seemed like they haven't slept in weeks. Her clothes were torn and any visible skin was terribly bruised.

"L-Luz? Oh jeez I'm so sorry!" Amity hugged Luz leaving Luz practically speechless at her condition.

"What happened to you...?" Amity released Luz taking a small glance at herself.

"Too many things to count...." Amity spoke softly seeming like she didn't want to speak about it any longer.

"W-well how long have we been in here then?"

"A few days maybe? I'm not sure everything's so disorienting...." Amity winced putting her hand to her head for a moment. "Incredibly disorienting"

"They did this to you in a few days?!" Amity nodded recalling all the pain she's gone through recently. "I only woke up today.... why couldn't I have woken up sooner?! I could've done something to stop them!"

"Luz no, if anything they'd torture you too. Besides it's just bruising I'll be fine." Amity sighed getting off Luz and helping her up. "And as far as I'm aware there's no way we're getting out of here by escaping....I've tried."

"So what do we do then?"

"Listen to to them, maybe we can figure out a way to get out of here the more we know what's going on." Suddenly Luz remembered what the witch had said before she got knocked out.

"If you want to keep her alive you better follow my instructions better next time."

"Oi! You two come with me!" The short boy witch Luz had saw earlier suddenly approached them. "I can't keep covering for you! He's gonna kill me if he finds out I didn't punish you for leaving your cells!"

"Oh trust me if my raging headache ain't a punishment I don't know what is." Amity confidently retaliated with her words. Not a single bit of hesitation showing.

"Right, right, now please do follow girls." The boy's words fell to just above a whisper as the trio trudged back through the hall. "I never wanted this...I just wanted to survive...." The boy grumbled as he spoke to himself. Luz and Amity looked at each other questioning what exactly Malcom meant. We turned the corner into the room Malcom originally came from. A male witch stood over a desk that was covered in papers and books with strange symbols and neatly written notes. The witch looked over his shoulder grinning widely from behind his worn-out mask. The mask is a fox-like shape that consisted of dark purply colors and stitch marks lining every single repair. It seemed tedious to constantly make repairs on the same mask instead of buy a new one, yet there was some lingering feeling about it that left the girls uneasy.

"Malcom! There you are, with the ladies I see." The witch walked over to Malcom firmly gripping his jaw. "I sincerely hope that you haven't disrespected my rules while handling them." Malcom shook his head no sighing of relief once the witch let go. "Well then, you may call me 'Kitsune'."

"Like the Japanese mask?" Luz blurt out her question without thinking quickly covering her mouth in fear.

"Why yes! I've been quite interested in the human world, and bought this mask from that Owl Lady a few years ago. I've made plenty of alterations to keep it in use and fit my style. Shame The Owl Lady was captured by the Emperor's Coven." Kitsune shrugged slightly glaring back at his desk. "I think I like you Noceda."

"L-like me?"

"Oh don't worry I know about your relationship with the Blight here. I mean that we're going to get along, have a good old Stockholm Syndrome effort y'know?"

"Uhh yeah..." Luz chuckled nervously feeling a little uncomfortable with Kitsune's choice of words.

"Sir don't you think it's time we-"

"Hush, hush, Malcom I'm getting to that. Ms. Blight if you don't mind." Kitsune reached his hand out to Amity, but she instantly flinched back. Keeping both her hands balled in fists close to her chest.

"W-where are we g-going?" Amity's stuttering caught Luz off guard. Her voice, her face, and her body language all screamed fear. It was a sudden change that was caused by a single question. "I-I don't want to be...." Amity bit her lip silencing herself.

"Oh don't worry dear, nothing like that's going to happen to you again. I assure you that assistant was fired the second I heard about what he did. I may punish people, but never like that." Amity still acted reluctant towards Kitsune, but she went with him. Amity stared at Luz as she was guided out of the room, mouthing the words 'Don't Worry'. Luz reached for Amity wanting to follow her but was stopped by Malcom.

"She'll be fine, for now we get started on your agenda."

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