Change of Heart

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"Amity stop! Please this is crazy." Amity froze her hands slightly shaking.

"T-that voice..." Amity turned her head around to see none other than her sister. "E-em..." Amity was in shock, Emira was alive? Since when? What even happened? Amity felt her hands loosen on the weapon until Kade tried grabbing it.

"Fucking bitc—" Amity quickly pulled the trigger on the weapon still shaking terribly. It was so loud that her ears began to ring as she looked back at Kade. His hand was desperately holding onto the weapon, and luckily for him he was able to point it far away enough from his face that he lived. "Well look at that. You aren't so useless after all." In Amity's continued moment of shock and confusion Kade was able to swipe the weapon back. He used the moment to throw Amity off him. Emira ran to Amity's side once she fell back onto the ground.

"Emira how...but Edric and you..." Emira hugged Amity tightly knowing Amity wasn't going to be able to finish her sentence.

"It's okay Amity." There wasn't any time for explanations, for Kade was already aiming for Emira.

"Not so fast Blights. Y'know your last name, no matter the definition you use, means destroy or decay? I can't wait to see you all wither away." Amity knew what was coming, she knew what the outcome would be. She got up and stood in front of Emira as Kade pulled the trigger. She wasn't gonna lose her sister twice.

"Amity!" Emira caught Amity as she fell back. The bullet had gone directly into her stomach reopening a wound from before causing even worse bleeding. "Amity what are you thinking?!"

"I-I'm thinking I'm tired Emira...lately nothings been going great for me. I've got Edric killed, I thought I killed you, Luz got stabbed, I trusted the wrong people, and...I'm just done with it all." Emira teared up at Amity's words knowing they were genuine. "But you're still alive! Heh...I.. I just wanted to keep it that way."

"Ahh Boo-hoo! Woe is you for not finishing the job. See girls nobody really cares about this little sob story so let's wrap it up shall we?" Kade shot towards them again but this time Emira brought up a force field. Kade kept firing round after round at the Blights just watching the force field get weaker and weaker. "Time is running out! You're both going to be with your precious brother soon!" Kade laughed as he fired another bullet.

"A-amity I can't keep this up." Emira frantically did her best to keep the force field up. "Amity?" Emira looked towards Amity to see her practically unresponsive. "Hey! Wake up or snap out of whatever trance this is! Come on Amity! Get up!" Despite Emira's efforts Amity still had no acknowledgement towards her.

"Haha! I can't believe it! She actually let herself die on you! Wow what a great sister..." Kade's smirk began to fall as he thought about what he said. "Heh...y'know we're a lot more alike Em. You had a twin brother and a little sister, I had an older brother his name was Apollo." Kade lowered his weapon and tossed it to the side. "My necklace was his. Even has his initials... It's oracle magic like your mother's, powerful too. All of this is for him...all of this is because of your family...all I've ever wanted since he died was to hurt you and you're family..." Kade reached his hand up and gripped his necklace tightly. "Fuck...what am I doing? Apollo...h-he'd hate to see me like this."

"Then stop trying to avenge him by doing this. I knew Apollo, Kade. He was a really nice guy and I know that you can understand that he'd want you to better yourself rather than waste your life on pointless vengeance." Emira cautiously lowered her force field as she bent down to check on Amity. She was still bleeding profusely, however she had a pulse, a steady one too. She'd make it as long as Emira got her inside.

"What do you care?! I just fucking killed your sister!" Emira shot her head up to look at Kade. "Titian what the hell am I doing?!" He fell to the ground crying profusely. Emira sighed at the sight of Kade. In all honesty she wanted to just leave him to his thoughts and silently hope he drowns himself with regret. Yet she still felt some empathy for the remorseful witch.

"And my parents killed your brother. I'd be lying if I said I wouldn't have done exactly what you have if my family passed..." Emira grit her teeth at the thought of losing Amity, she was the only actual family she cared about she had left. Her parents obviously didn't even care that their children were hurting. Emira sucked a breath through her teeth and walked over to Kade. "Listen I don't forgive you and I doubt I'll ever learn to, but we can't keep this up. You have the intelligence to feel guilt, so I'd rather you end up in the prison than be left rotting outside a hospital."

"Why...why are you even trusting me enough to get near me? The only one that's done anything for me is Malcom...Oh crap Malcom!" Kade sat up looking worriedly towards the hospital. As if on cue Boscha and Willow, along with Lilith, dragged Malcom out of the hospital. "Malcom!" Kade tripped over himself as he started running towards Malcom.

"M-mast-ter?" Malcom choked on his words as he blinked his eyes repeatedly. Malcom's eyes had tears already building up making Kade's heart sink. Kade slowed his pace down as he got closer to Malcom.

"Hey back up psycho! I'm not against killing this little shit!" Boscha grimaced as Kade stepped back once he heard her words. Willow, however, wasn't worried about Kade instead she concerned herself with Emira sitting next to Amity.

"Hey is Amity okay?" Emira nodded making Willow sigh relived.

"H-hold on please...I-I just want Malcom okay? I promise I'll leave as long as you give him to me." Willow and Boscha looked at each other and shrugged. They turned to look back at Kade and released Malcom while pushing him into the ground.

"Fine lunatic, but you better not bother us again." Kade barley paid attention to Boscha's words, for he was occupying himself with checking on Malcom.

"Hey Mal it's okay. I'm here now." Kade held Malcom's small figure in his arms obviously saddened by Malcom's sobbing.

"S-sir I-" Kade shushed Malcom as he shook his head.

"You know my name use it."

"Kade I couldn't do it...I couldn't kill the human." Malcom sniffled trying to ignore the tears slipping down his cheeks. "S-she just looked like she was loved, I-I mean look at what they did to protect her...I couldn't ruin that..." Kade smiled softly as he patted Malcom's head, ruffling his hair up a bit.

"It's okay we're going home now. We don't need to worry about them anymore..."

"W-what? But you finally got to act on your revenge...and I ruined it...Why aren't you mad?" Kade sighed as he hugged Malcom closer to him.

"I couldn't ever be mad at you Malcom, just your family for deadnaming you. Let the name 'Malissa' forever be burned in the darkest pits in hell!" Malcom chuckled as Kade started walking off continuing to cheer Malcom up. The others watched them walk off into the distance before quickly returning their attention to Amity.

"Hey Boscha can you help me carry her?" Boscha nodded and helped Emira carry Amity into the hospital letting them all breathe relived.

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