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Amity laid peacefully on Luz's lap, Luz occasionally stroking her hair. Willow kept her focus on Boscha unable to think about anything else.

"You need to find something to do Willow. You'll just wear yourself out worrying" Willow's face grew bright red as she quickly switched her gaze to meet Amity's. "Trust me Willow, it's the best thing you can do right now." Amity finished her sentence then brought her attention to Luz, who grew a big dopey grin in response. Willow smiled at the two and sighed. Getting up from her spot Willow walked up to her room to water her plants. At least it was something to distract her for a bit.

"Hmm this ryewilf isn't looking well..." Willow grazed her fingers across the purple and blue petals that covered the small flower. Taking note of the ones that were wilting. "I'll have to get better soil tomorrow." Willow drew a spell to keep the plant's health from worsening.

"Hey Willow" Amity stood in Willow's door frame, a lopsided smirk across her face. "I think you might want to come back downstairs." Willow tilted her head in confusion, but shrugged it off. Willow set her watering can down and walked with Amity.

"Erng...I can barely see." Boscha sat up on the couch keeping her third eye closed.

"It'll wear off. I think." Boscha rolled her eyes, well the ones that were open. "Amity when will that healing spell wear off?"

"Soon" Willow froze the second she spotted Boscha.

"Willow!" Boscha's eyes lit up. She would've run right to Willow, unfortunately her injuries restricted her from doing so.

"Go get her~" Amity nudged Willow while whispering. Willow just stood there thinking of what to say.

"Thank you...for saving me." Boscha rubbed the back of her neck nervously. Willow suddenly ran over to Boscha wrapping her arms around her.

"You scared me!" Willow dug her face in Boscha's neck. Tears slowly starting to form.

"Hey I'm okay I promise...." Boscha spoke softly to Willow as she carefully pulled her close,trying not to hurt herself. Willow noticed and tried to pull away to make sure she wouldn't, but Boscha only held her tighter. "No...I want you with me." Both witches faces grew red at the statement. Amity smirked while taking a picture of the two for blackmail.

"Amity you'll ruin the moment!" Luz piped in hoping Boscha and Willow couldn't hear them.

"Hey it's payback" Luz giggled at Amity before returning to stroke her hair. Willow slowly got off Boscha ensuring she didn't get hurt in the process.

"Uh h-how are you feeling?" Willow twirled a loose strand of her hair around her finger.

"Eh I've been better."  Boscha rubbed her side where the laceration was deepest.

"I-is there something I can do to make you more comfortable o-or help the pain?" Willow was obviously nervous. It was shown through everything she said,looked, and did.

"Right now all I need is your company." Boscha patted the spot next to her keeping a giddy smile on her face the whole time.

"I have a better idea." Willow took Boscha's hand in hers dragging them to her room. Leaving Amity and Luz by themselves with giant smirks on their faces.

"Hope they got clothes to cover up what their going to do to each other." Amity burst into laughter nearly causing herself to choke.

"You really think their going to do that. Now?" Amity let out another chuckle while Luz just shrugged.

"You never know~" Luz responded in a sing-songy voice only making Amity laugh more.

"You're adorable" Amity looked up at Luz reaching out towards Luz's messy hair. Ruffing her hair up more before dragging her hand down to grasp Luz's chin, and bringing her close. Amity leaned up, supporting herself with her arm, to kiss Luz. She was a little surprised, but didn't deny it nonetheless. Luz ended up having to support herself. Making it seem she was pinning Amity from moving. Amity tensed up in response pulling away for a moment. Luz gave Amity a flirty look that she couldn't keep for long. Amity raised her eyebrow at Luz's now dopey grin that was once a smirk. "What's with that look?"

"Sorry, I just feel so happy that a smile feels better than smirking." Luz's had a nervous chuckle that just felt fitting to their situation.

"And this is why you leave the flirty stuff to me" Luz giggled as Amity booped her nose. They snuggled into each other slowly drifting off to sleep.


Emira stayed with Edric as much as she could even passing out in his room multiple times. Before visiting hours Emira sits in a chair just outside Edric's room watching the time go by.

"Hey Em." Viney walked towards Emira who happened to be pasted out in her chair.

"Nnngh hmm? Oh Viney." Emira tried to rub the sleep out of her eyes before making much conversation. "What are you doing here?"

"I could ask you the same, but I'm here for volunteering." Viney sat next to Emira noticing her tired eyes. Viney scanned Emira's actions depicting her mood. "Okay what happened?"

"Hm?" Emira was still half asleep barely able to concentrate on their discussion. "Oh it's...nothing"

"Sweetie we've been dating for years now. I know when somethings up." Emira tensed up slightly. She couldn't lie to Viney it was useless. Viney put a hand on Emira's shoulder giving her a comforting squeeze. "If you don't want to talk about it that's fine just tell me okay?"

"No, no you should know." Viney gave Emira a reassuring smile hoping she'd calm down. Emira sighed meeting Viney's gaze. She was trying to find the right words. "Well....Amity was really distraught over Luz, so Ed and I decided to find a way to reverse petrifaction." Viney nodded while tightening her grip on Emira from nerves. "Well we went to the forbidden section at the library, and found a secret passage."

"You mean like Amity's hideout?"

"More like a tunnel into corridors that led into various rooms. Nothing seemed to intersect so we didn't get lost, but Edric found a creature hiding in one of the rooms." Emira's gaze left Viney's and met the ground. "The creature...for whatever reason formed into Amity's fears and....God I'm such an idiot!" Emira smacked her hands into her face.

"Emmie." Viney paused taking a deep breath. She moved her hand from Emira's shoulder to her hand,taking ahold of it. "You're not an idiot. Whatever happened wasn't your fault." Viney grew more concerned the more Emira acted like this.

"T-the fear it took form of..." Emira brought her face out of her hand and rested her face on the back of her palm. "I-it was mom and dad, as if I could even call them that now." Emira scoffed straightening her back as she smacked her fist into her leg.

"Your parents? Why would it looks like them?" Viney raised an eyebrow curious what Emira meant.

"B-because...." Emira let go of Viney's hand, and wrapped her arms around herself. "Because they hurt her Viney. Dad beats her while mom puts horrible thoughts into her head!" Emira burst out in tears sending Viney into full on protective mode. Viney hugged Emira letting the tears fall. She comforted Emira, but could only think about Emira's parents. Imagining every way they could end.

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