Rough Visit

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"Enrgh...How much longer do I have to be here?" Edric winced at the needle going in his neck. The healer shook her head setting the syringe down.

"I'm unsure Mr.Blight. I-I'll let you know when I can." The healer walked out of the room leaving Edric alone. Or so he thought.

"Ow! Stop shoving!"

"Hey it wasn't me! Amity kept pushing me!"

"I wasn't pushing you that's Emir-wha!" Viney stood at the edge of the secret tunnel entrance as it opened. Shaking her head at the idiots laying in a pile.

"Sorry about that. Didn't realize how small the tunnels would be with these three." Emira got off Luz and Amity giggling a little.

"Don't get to comfy" Emira laughed gesturing to Amity laying on Luz before Amity got up.

"Ha.Ha." Amity rolled her eyes helping Luz off the floor. "You okay?"

"I'm alright, thanks." Luz held an endearing smile sending Amity's heart for a whirlwind. "How about you Ed? You doing good?"

"As good as you can be with a cast on your neck and 13 numbing antibiotics." Edric gave the four finger guns making his siblings roll their eyes. Luz and Viney however shot finger guns back at him. Viney even made a small illusion at her finger tips causing tiny flags that had Edric's face on them appear. "Nice Viney!"

"Emira's been teaching me a bit about illusions." Viney shrugged it off, however Emira let out a nervous chuckle shielding her face for a moment. Viney walked over to Emira nudging her shoulder before speaking again. "How's it been Ed?"

"Meh. It could be worse, but I don't believe it can get much better."

"What do you mean?"

"The foods not great I can't feel anything, nor can I do anything. I kinda feel useless sometimes..." Edric rubbed the back of his head uneasy. "Sorry I made that come out dark..."

"Don't worry about it Ed. You need to let out your feelings and we're here for you." Emira put her hand on Edric's shoulder. Amity sighed looking away from everyone, he wasn't the only one with dark thoughts running through his mind.

"You okay..?" Luz's hand inched closer to Amity's. Quickly pulling away when Amity flinched. "Erm..sorry..."

"N-no it's fine! I was just wrapped up in my head." Amity took hold of Luz's hand. Looking Luz in her eyes. Luz chuckled a little. Nodding before turning her attention back to Edric.

"Hey enough about me, how are you guys doing?" Edric smirked as he looked at Viney and Emira.

"Em and I haven't been doing too much." Emira chuckled recalling a few pictures she'd received.

"Can't say the same for those two" Emira snickered jabbing her thumb in Luz and Amity's direction. "The amount of blackmail Willow got me is insane." Amity groaned facepalming as she rolled her eyes.

"I swear to the Titan I'm going to burn her scroll when I get back." Laughter echoed across the room at Amity's comment. Amity even cracked a smile, mainly cause she was looking at Luz. "And since I'm not a jerk." Amity glared at Edric receiving a guilty giggle. "I'm not gonna burst in on Willow and Boscha just for a picture as payback."

"But I didn't do that to you!" Edric snickered getting an eye roll from his sisters.

"Ed. Just because you did it to me and Viney doesn't make it any less true. And there is no way your not planning on doing that to Mittens when you get the chance." Edric shrugged.

"Just because I'm willing to go the extra mile for blackmail doesn't mea-" Edric froze when he saw a dark shadowy figure start to form in the corner of the room. "G-guys?" Everyone turned to the figure as the body moved its limbs to get its bearings. Amity stepped in front of Luz defensively as she studied the figure.

"W-what is that?" Luz looked around seeing everyone tense up and prepare to fight.

"It looks like a kind of Oracle creature..." Viney held onto her previous conviction.

"Ladies and gentleman. I do believe you've gotten yourselves in quite the mess. It's been so much fun to watch you all. Truly a fascinating cast you all are." The creature's voice stuck out as familiar to Luz and Amity. It was the same voice they heard when Luz had her hand marked.

"Cast?! What are we some drama show?!"

"Personal entertainment. Unfortunately I have a contract to fulfill so seems this little charade has to come to an end." The creature flicked its wrist projecting multiple shadows towards the group. Emira was quick to form a shield in front of Edric as the others dodged the attack.

"What contract?!" Emira yelled through the chaos as more shadows came after them. Amity and Viney started drawing spells to fight back against the creature. Luz looked around the room for anything to make glyphs with to no avail. The creature moved its hands in spherical motion. Making a ball of shadows form as it quickly got bigger. The creature sent the ball out of its hands heading straight for Viney. Emira knew there wasn't enough time to cast a spell to deflect it. So what could she do?!

"EMIRA DON'T!" Edric reached for his sister as the shield faded away. Emira dove into Viney knocking both of them over.

"Emira!" Emira had her arms around Viney as the girls hit the floor. The shadow ball hitting the wall adjacent to them. "Are you okay?"

"Unngh..." Emira winced as she tried to get up stumbling back onto the ground. Amity wanted to run to her sister, but she was the only one attacking the creature. Luz backed away from everything trying to figure out what to do. Amity followed her trying make sure Luz wouldn't get hurt.

"So much entertainment could be made out of our interaction.Hmph, maybe I can renegotiate the terms of my contract. Surely he won't mind..." The creature paused for a moment. Clearly lost in thought.

Emira clutched her side as she sat herself up. "I..I'll be okay....What about you?"

"I'm fine. You got to me just in time. Thank you."

"Well isn't that touching?~" The creature pulled itself from their thoughts. "Now as fun as it'd like to be to finish you all off. I do believe I've overstayed my welcome. So for now I bid you all farewell."   The creature pretended to tip a hat off their head before disappearing.

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