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Let's break up.

Hinata Shouyo already know his lover's secret but he didn't break up with them cause he wasn't ready not yet but by some time while being in relationship with them he was slowly letting go as well as move on and so he called them to grant their wish from the very start.

💬Hey guys, meet at the gym be there in 6. "He chat them"

When the guys arrived the ginger isn't there yet so they did what they always do since the relationship behind his back.
We're already here and his late!? A certain fake blond exclaim.
Tch. Isn't he supposed to be the first one here. A salty blond remark.
Yeah, does he think he's special or something? A libero with spiky hair said and complain goes on some of them just nod or stay silent, although all of them feel that it was wrong but their pride and ego clouded it. They stop when the gym door opened revealing their lover sunshine that they were just talking about earlier.
Greetings are made such as...


And so on, the tangerine just smile at them a calm smile something they never seen before there's something about it that made them uneasy but they put it aside.
H:Hello, minna sorry I'm late something came up haha.
The ginger said in his always cheery tone but it feels like there's something behind it.
H:I call you guys here because I have something to say that you guys have been wishing and would be very happy for. But let's sit down first okay.
They all sit down infront of him a wide distance to give him space they never wanted but still do so. The ginger also sit down.
H:You guys know that I loved you dearly so I made this decision to make you all happy, hehe.
Loved seems wrong in the sentence they all thought but put aside instead

"What is it chibi, we all know that whatever you give us will be happy about it" To throw. A rooster head said and added.
What does this shrimp have now? 😒
A salty blond thought

I'm setting you all free.
The ginger said rather stone clear yet
Deafening to them.
They all utter at the same time what he said next shock them all same

H:Let's break up, I mean I know you guys have been wishing for it and still now so I thought why not grant it early of course it wasn't easy since I loved you so I slowly let you guys go so you all won't have to do it yourself I know you guys don't want to hurt me that's why you  didn't break up with me so I did it myself so no one get hurt in the process 😊.
I'm letting you guys go as you wish let's break up of course if you guys still want to be friends I'm here but if not I understand considering I wasted your time for my selfish desire. That's all thank you for keeping up with me this months we been together I wish you guys to be fully happy 😁. I got to go now my sister is probably waiting for me.
And by that he stand up and walk up to the door never looked back at all.

Another story from me😀
A little angst 😊

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