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"For you to have feelings of envy for someone that is yours anymore..."

Like I mention, only few knows the reason why Hinata broke up with the them(ex's). Those is their close or best friend, some have a hint of why, some have conclusion and some don't really know why, one thing is that Hinata must have a reason to do that.

He isn't one to easily let go, I mean they did see him pursuing them instead of the other way around the patient and understanding he gave them, he gave them what a lover should give to their partner and even more... So it would be weird if Hinata were the one that fucked it up... Maybe he finally got tired? He fell out of love?

There must be a reason some were itching to know it, some were figuring it out themselves, and some... Were quite delighted by the news..

Kuroo POV

Hinata... At first he was just curious of how he could make his best friend that is known as anti social to smile, laugh and even be productive at days.

Curiosity turn into admiration then to liking then loving leading to confession it then lead to happy relationship but of course he no they just have to fucked it up.

This sucks... I miss him...
As he sigh sitting down on a bench leaning back while his head were lean back his arms spread with his eyes close replaying their happy loving memories then what they said came flooding all together making him frown, when he felt a tap between his brows he open his eyes to see who he have been thinking constantly.

There standing behind him smiling as bright as ever making him relief they didn't get it tainted and break, it makes him happy seeing him smile but also sad now that he think of it, it could of have been gone because of them...

Hm hm~didn't I told you frowning would make you age faster?
Hinata said as he goes and sit beside him
How...are you?
Kuroo awkwardly hesitant to ask
I'm fine, you?
Hinata as he look up smiling
Kuroo said as if he is yet his eyes hold sadness while his heart are already crying
That's good
Hinata as he turn to him smiling with his eyes close.

The smile he fall for the one that made him love this Sun infront of him.

And couldn't contain it anymore he let a tear drop following by another then another as he turn and use his arm to wipe and try to make him smile not wanting to make the other see or feel anything about it he knows Hinata.

He felt a gentle touch on his head that is softly pulling him toward him and was bought down to feel the familiar feeling he misses his touch full of loving and care...

I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm really sorry
His tears came flooding down as he plead forgiveness he knew will be given without any other thoughts but he just want him to know how he truly been feeling

It's okay, it's fine you can  sleep now, rest now Tetsuro..

Is what that he heard as tiredness consume him still feeling the gentle caressing to his hair as he fell to deep sleep he haven't felt the pass days.

Hinata watch as Kuroo felt asleep on his lap, wiping the left tears using his thumb he then move Kuroo in a sitting position then stand up stretch his arms and legs he was just thankful that they were near the cats room as he carrying Kuroo piggy back style, knock and some of the members were there he thank Yaku who open the door and goes straight to one of the futon and set Kuroo down and make him lay down taking off his shoes and jacket then tuck him in.

He say goodbyes to the guys then left.
Never left an explanation what happen. He left with a smile and wave at them.

The other cats saw Hinata leaving their room and they saw... A rare expression they haven't seen.

The guys who just arrived saw Kuroo tuck in noticing the dried tears visible on his face yet he looked peaceful which they haven't seen for a while now.

.... Envy, confusion and bit of rage is what they all were feeling...

Hm hm~ this would be for now my dear Sundays I'm sorry but from now on it may get even slower of update. I'll try my best to make a few more chapter then I'll publish them all at once please bare and wait for it🤗🤗.

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