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♤No matter what, trust is one of the things that shouldn't be broke. Because once it's broken sorry means nothing.

Truly when insults are normal to you complement feels like a lie and wrong.
One won't be able to take it in even when truly meant for them to take.

.. And that is what Tendo usually feel, he feels wrong being complemented by appearance than when he is for his talent, skills and work.

Like others, like them he too have his own insecurities one of them is his outer appearance...

Satori Tendo

A man with "weird" appearance, ever since childhood he was called a "monster" for something can't control of. His face was something he wasn't so proud of but in one way or another he learned to just accept that it is what it is, that it his face it is his own.

Sure, a lot find his face okay, acceptable, getting used of and so but.. Not once had he received a praise so purely out of nothing from the bottom of their heart... That is until he met him, he change his whole preference about being a "monster".

Tendo met Hinata at the court like most others, he came face to face behind the net against him.

He said " you are creeping me out" as he shiver, he answered with a tone as if questioning but he knew that he was right "oh is it because of my face?" As he grin at him, Hinata stood there facing him tilting his head confused, "Huh? What does your face had to do with creeping me out?" Tendo was shock but immediately composed himself "Well I look like a monster don't I?"asking as he pointed to himself, Hinata only for his amusement shook his head and answered " No, it's because you're like reading my moves like an open book! ... Hm~ A reading Monster! Yes, that's right! It's like that!." Hinata as he exclaimed as if finding a treasure as he set him a nickname once of his few weird ones that he come up with.
"You don't look like a monster at all, but your skill are! We're same... Well not really but yeah!"
Hinata as he brighten up giving Tendo a cheeky smile.

A scenario he couldn't believe happened he never even imagined it at all but there he stood, with so much emotions watch the ginger to happily talk animatedly around giggling and laughing to things even little.

To think that someone would point out that he isn't a monster.. Well technically didn't But he wouldn't say he didn't call Hinata a Monster with those inhuman skill he got it was only blind won't be able to say that.

A skill of a monster along with its stamina, mimicking and.. Talent to do something unbelievable. Least to say Hinata wasn't as normal as one would say even out he is known as that.

... But mostly his skill to allure others without even knowing it, he is dangerous he know that.. But he can't help but be drawn towards the said monster... A monster for a monster he thought..
Why not, we're same.. Aren't we Little Monster.

The more he watch and monitor the said Sunshine the more drawn in he gets.. And by now he guess that there's no turning back for.. He already fallen into a deepening hole along with others.


Tendo, was least to say was in pain when he learn that the little has entered a relationship with guys from different teams, no he wasn't devastated that he was with multiple guys at once but because he was late not having any chance to confess.

He watched him do what lovers do you them and was he happy we he learned that they broke up?

Yeah he was... But a art of him have a doubt that it was all over without any happening and to know the Hinata was the one that ended the relationship doesn't sit right to him at all, he might not know him as close to that but he knows Hinata won't just end anything without trying anything, to be the one to end it all.. Something must have really happen he just know it.

As curious as he might be, he won't bring it up to Hinata for it might hurt him, as strong and positive as he looks and act.. He is still soft and.. Fragile in terms of loving...

He could feel that the guys... Guilt, longing, sadness and anger.. Sometimes he could also see betrayal in their eyes as well as jealousy.

With that he confirmed that Hinata wasn't the problem nor cause..
They don't have any right to feel that, they shouldn't have hurt Hinata.

... But... When he sees Hinata he can't see anything at all whenever he faces them nothing at all, anger, regret nothing.. He can't read him unlike usual..


The longer he watches Hinata as he bounces there the more he thinks of possibilities of why it happen.

And the more he watches him the more complicated his thoughts go, the more deeper it gets, the more unreadable Hinata gets.

.. You're good at hiding.. I see, I'll know it sooner or later..

Yes I'm alive and well, I hope you all are too my darling Sundays 🤗🤗

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