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♠︎For all the things you have said and done for me, I would like to return and give you much more.

It wasn't at all a secret that a lot love and adore a little sunshine among the crow's, no it wasn't at all however it wasn't all said out loud by those who does hold those feelings inside of them. Friendly sure, Platonic sure.. But Romantic not too sure.

.. Only a blind person won't be able to tell and see.. And well the person they have feelings for.

They thought that it's because he's not interested to be in a relationship or because he was in a relationship but nope, the sunshine they love oh so much is too fuc dense. And that also both good and not, Good because he won't be uneasy or awkward being with them.. At the same time it makes things more hard for he doesn't even know they love him. They don't know why and how could he not see his own worth, blinded by his own sunlight or.. His own words and mind

Watching sure is pleasingly satisfying but they want more, they want to be greedy to be able to get close yet not be burned under his basking sunlight, they would love to be able to feel him close, more than what he sees them as, more than what he treat them as, more more they want more of him couldn't get enough of him... But they control themselves hurting him like burn, break, hurt themselves.

Seeing that even when the people he broke up is around him never bother him instead treated them like how he used to, go on in life without any hindrance.. It amaze yet scares them, how he handle things on his own.. Without asking or needing any help.

But at times they want him to ask for them...
And sometimes they understand and justify why they did that.. It didn't take look though only for a time, it didn't justify anything that happens.


They wonder, how would he reacts once he realized that.. He is adored, loved, admired by many more than he thinks once he knows that they all do.


Hinata walk around the camp to find anything to distract him while on break because he was forbade to practice.. For reasons.

He noticed a white color from afar as he walk closer he sees that it's a head, something familiar to him yet there few people he knows that have the same hair color so he walk more closer to recognize it was one of his friends from other team.

Hinata called softly to gain the fox attention

..Hinata? Why are you here?
Turning back and looking at the ginger he ask
Oh, um just taking a stroll I wasn't allowed to practice for today and was told to take a rest.
Hinata scratching his flush cheeks almost embarrassed for whatever reason

Hm.. Take a sit.
Kita Pat the grass beside him gesturing the ginger to say down

Ah yeah, okay!
Happily as ever Hinata sat down beside Kita

Watching the scenery up ahead silence dwell between them

What about you, why are you here?
Hinata ask looking Kita then back to the front, waiting for the answer

Taking a break.
Kita answer shortly

Silence dwell between the two once again, it wasn't awkward or anything instead it was..comfortable as the orange head began humming looking forward.

Shinsuke Kita

He wasn't the type to be softie outside that is, as a Captain of his team he needs to be strong.

Since little he was already been the type to kept silent and cold, though he wasn't really distant at all nor was he truly hard to others it just how he is seen as.

.. Silence wasn't as comforting as it should be.. Sure he wasn't fond at loud things but at least it wasn't a never ending silence that all you can hear is your thoughts, ironic that he one to stay silent among the crowd.

Was it just how he bring parts of others that made them wanna let him see their true selves? Honestly Kita doesn't truly know how Hinata could go around and make connections with others without trying hard.

But one thing for sure, he truly admire Hinata, not by his unbelievable inhumane way to play the sport he love but by how he could just go off and makes other happy.

He'll make you let out things you kept hidden inside, pent up bubbled emotions you wanna let out, thoughts and problems that one don't want to share for it is a bother, confession to make for wrong doings, negative or positive he.. He would stay till they feel better, till they feel full..

But what about him?

He was always seen happy and smiling yes they did saw him cry, being anxious and scared but all of that have reasons that they also felt but.. Others cry to him and he cry to comfort them..

But what about for himself?

They all know that the little sunshine wasn't selfish.. Unless he can't give it for reasons.

... Was they blind for not seeing Hinata's other sides?

Always positive never negative, always smiling never frowning for long, sadness go shortly..

Was they all been used to seeing Hinata's happy self only?

Even when his last lovers broke up with him.. They never saw him cry or show any kind of remorse for what they done, no sadness, anger no nothing at all.

Sure it was for the better for the Sun they love oh so much not to get shades but was it really?

So when he learns about them broking up.. He couldn't help himself but to think and question why, for a fact that he couldn't see any problems between them, any sign of fights nothing so why, why did they broke up for. He know darn well it wasn't Hinata at fault... But he still needs to confirm that so the logical thing to do is... Confront the twins from his team.

..... And to only learn that he was right, Hinata wasn't at fault here. Keeping his face as usual he goes and made his way back home calmly, but in he was boiling with anger, sadness, a hint of hope stir it all together makes him feel it all and just wanna burst.

He stay away from the twin for a while to make sure he's not gonna do anything that might lose his mind and temper from looking at them, only when he fully calm down did he face them again.

For all honesty, they deserve to be left on the dirt get kick and step on, but of course he shook it off his mind he won't be that brutal even in his own mind and imagination.... He did give the twin a torturous practice resume to please himself.

.... But a part of him were happy to get a chance finally, to spoke his love out loud for the little Sunshine to hear.


Watching you from afar was enough but.. I can't help but be greedily get close to you.

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