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"When you truly love someone no matter how much they thor your heart... You can't help but forgive and accept them back to your arms."

It is true that at first he never thought of loving someone that is not only younger but also a bubbly person who attracts too much attention and people in his way, no he never thought of that at all.

But here he is with his kept hidden feelings,

Daichi Sawamura

The team captain, a graduating member too.

He never expected to fall in love especially when he is about to graduate and move out the team.

Hinata... For him he was a ray no, a literal Sun of the team. He brighten the room, lighten any burden or tense atmosphere then cheer them up without knowing nor trying.

His smile alone makes him calm and serene.

It baffled him how he does it without any mean at all, his presence was enough to brighten anyone yet he doesn't even know it.

He realized his feelings long ago yet hesitated to say it out loud for he thought it might get complicated between them.. Only to regret it for what happened.

Sure he thought Suga would made sure Hinata is loved like he deserves, Noya to cheer him up like everyday, or Yamaguchi to comfort him whenever he need to.
(Au: you forgot Tsukishima.)
And Tsukishima to.. Do something that can make Hinata smile.

But disappointment, anger, sadness and guilt slap him across the face when he learn about their breakup.
Disappointment for his own friends and members did that despite knowing Hinata.
Anger for what they did.
Sadness imagining what Hinata been through and to be the one to end it.
And guilt.. For loving someone that his best friend once been with, for feeling happy by their cut ties, for being selfish to think he can finally say what he truly feel..

But is he truly selfish for loving someone?

Maybe he is but... He doesn't care right now it's his own to think, for now it's about himself not for Suga not for his members not for his other friends. It's about himself.

What he want is for Hinata to be truly love and if it means that he has to be the one to give and show it then so be it, forget about other things and focus to him and only him.

Hinata deserve it and he deserves so much more and he'll gladly give anything and everything for him.

I'm sorry if this is betrayal.. But for Hinata's happiness I'll sacrifice anything I have..

Watching Hinata bounce there like always wearing those bright calming smile of his.. It makes him happy at peace Hinata made, he is content watching but he also wish to touch and feel the Sun to embrace him in his arms to protect and make happy..

Glancing to the side he see Suga watching Hinata with mixed emotions then got out, he get back watching Hinata.. Not long Hinata also go out, out the same way Suga go to.

... He is curious and tempted to follow yet he can't... He doesn't even know why..

Later Hinata came back after Tanaka came looking and calling for him, Hinata who happily goes to him and the others.

He waited till Suga goes back, only to see him with slightly puffy eyes not too visible to see at far but looking close you'll notice it.

Clenching his fist, he can't help but once again feel guilty.. Yet.. envy.


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