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♠︎A love must always came purely out of heart otherwise doubt will always accompany you.

Hinata walk side by side with Shirabu and Goshiki behind was semi, they were told to get some snacks and drinks and Hinata just happened to be there so he asked if he could help them with something.

And now there they were, each of them has a bag containing everyone's need and well Hinata got the heavy one the three asked if they could switch but he decline saying it is heavy so he should carry it and he's fine or so...

... A reason... They find why.

As they walk Hinata would open up topics and keep them entertain. Opinions are thrown to one another yet he would keep on taking it without offense and would give them his lightly.

Tsutomu Goshiki

He found Hinata.. A sore thumb at first not only for his appearance but also for his skills the way he smile also make him stand out.

He sees him as his rival, a competition toward being an ace. He knew very well that Hinata have his eyes for that position since he really admire it and admittedly said so.

Like Hinata he too wants that position so he see him like so, but.. When the practice camp happen that Hinata snuck into since he was called in, he saw how determined and hardworking Hinata while watching them.

But as much as he spend time, talking and competing with Hinata the more he learn about him, and the more he would thought of him on the daily..

He thinks and thinks till.. He came to a point where in his eyes, mind and.. Heart are mostly him. Where Hinata brought out a passion he didn't knew he have.

He got sad with mixed emotions he had when he learned about Hinata's relationship but he doesn't know why, then he learn about their broke up he got happy he still doesn't know why.. Till he talks with one of his friends that got his answered bulls eye.

He.. Love him, in denial at first but it's true, he does.

And now he try his best just to be normal in front of Hinata just like he usually do before. And he try his best to gain his attention and affection maybe.. Even to his like he'll gain him.

Eita Semi

... Semi.. Hm~ he as few or most know, is part of a band group once, he likes music came first or second after/before volleyball.

He wasn't at all particularly like or dislike Hinata, neutraly he see Hinata as an opposing team from him so he behind the net watches him.

He could see how bright and loud Hinata is from behind and he could just feel it but his voice although loud to say he was impressed how vocal he was when one time he hear him singing this weird song of his, looking back he would laugh at the memory if he wasn't too amazed.

One time when he was humming a song Hinata out of nowhere singing it fully out of nowhere he just appears then smiling at him brightly as he sing word by word looking at him till he too sing along.

You have a wonderful voice Semi-kun, I would like to hear it more often, do sing for me sometimes!

If it's for you then why not, even if my voice loses because I kept singing I'll continue to do so just for you..

Learning of events both his relationship then break up it made him realize things he just thought of thoroughly, he wants to see him happy, he wants to make him smile daily... Because thinking now it made him realize how preciously important Hinata was for him. To hear him only laugh and cry only out of joy, that is his new goal.

Kenjirō Shirabu

He was another Tsukishima type of person yet much more calming.

Hinata once said that to him yet it wasn't offending when he added things to it saying that
"Although you remind me of Tsukishima, you're a bit more hm~ gentle than him.. Well that's only what I think haha"

His thought that day was "that's only because it's you.. If it weren't you then maybe it'll probably go different"
But he didn't say it out loud.

He was mostly either silent or soft around Hinata, yet was harsh around others. But Hinata did already noticed his behavior toward others and already too experienced it first hand when he was just new and he wasn't fond of him, and he was appreciated of that daily Hinata would give him piece of his attention even when he wasn't in the mood he'll understand him.

... But when he sees Tsukishima the one that he was compared with, when he saw how treated Hinata it makes him wanna treat him the opposite, to actually show how he truly feels and think about, and when he learns that they get together then their broke up... He was.. Conflicted he went through a series of events against mind and heart, of how he feels and how he thinks about Hinata.

.. And he came to the conclusion, if.. I were to be given a chance .. I won't treat you like he did.. I will say and show what I truly have.. Even if I won't stand beside then as your friend I'll show you my love..


They all cringe at their early thought of justifying some people's actions when..they were together with the one that was most likely hurt of their actions toward him.

Guilt crawl till their back of having such thought yet one word and smile of the person in front of them decrease at the same time makes them even more guilty thinking that.

As Hinata smiling at them as he tilt his head slightly waiting for them, seems like he's waiting for them to say something, to answer him, to do anything.. They were confused, it seems like their thought had kept them too much.

What is it, Hinata? I'm sorry, I didn't hear.
Semi asked and said
Hahaha, it's okay, I was just asking if you guys are also excited going to the beach as well! I heard from the coaches, don't tell tho.
Hinata giggles at their faces, reassure them instead and repeated his question for them slow and clear.
Goshiki exclaimed who was immediately smack down by Shirabu behind the head.
You're too loud, he just told us not to tell and your gonna shout it.
Shirabu said almost with an attitude
Isn't eavesdropping.. Bad??
Semi sweatdrop at the information they just got.
Hehe, that's why it's a secret.. And beside we're all gonna know anyway.Not my fault they were loud and left the window open.
Hinata again giggle at them instead reasoning his actions as he move on laughing merrily at it as the three sweat drop and follow behind him.

It then went on smoothly after.. Having Hinata by their sides really do make things better.. Even with guilt crawl their backs.. He makes them better, even when they were talking about him, he makes things better.

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