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Foxes likes shiny bright things it catches their attention making them want it grab it claim it.. But so does the owls.

A pair of foxes and owls fall head over heals for one bright crow that resemble too much like the sun.

At first the owls like the crow for its bright persona and lovely face, friendly and kind but they slowly fall for its kind and pure personalities.

The fox twin like the crow at first at the way it play and how it brighten up whenever it do so.

Having the same intention and feeling towards the little crow they immediately took the chance they get to confession it, when they have him their ego's... Along with others boost up to the roofs...

Kotaro Bokuto

Love the attention and praises he get from Hinata.

At first he was awe that he could fly at that height, he took him as a disciple but soon fall for him not only by what falls from his mouth but all of him.

How Hinata would be there to fuel him when on his emo mode, heck even one praise fall from his mouth felt like thousands he doesn't know why at first till he realized he love him.

He was a prideful man he took pride of the things he done right and powerful. That's the type of who he is.

Keiji Akashi

He love the peace and warmth Hinata bring to him, he was there whenever Bokuto has his session.

For whatever reason he was the one person that could makes his day peaceful even with Bokuto being emo.
He liked being with him as warm envelope him as he is near him.

He is the kind of man with a calm nature yet sharp tongue yet Hinata never ever take him seriously as others whenever he let out an insult out of reflexes.

This two owl shared that they both like Hinata, as they already know that they both confess their love for him.

Atsumu Miya

.. He first notice him at a match between them, and stating that he would one day be his setter.

He love being cheered by Hinata when one time he cheered for the blond while he did his serve for some reason he didn't felt angry or annoyed when he interrupted him instead he liked that Hinata cheered for him. Hinata apologizes to him after that he forgot that he doesn't like that and so on but what instead brush off.

Being with him makes his ego burst to heaven, with praises and cheers he get sure makes his pride up.

Osamu Miya

Just like Atsumu he notice him at the match but because he blocked him using the one Hinata's quirk.

He liked being praised by him for his cooking, and he also loved his cooking. He made his confidence rise more and became more open that is... When they (he) was still with him.

All of them loved the unconditional things he gave to them. Never hesitate to give it nor asked.... But of course there were times where they find themselves wondering whether they deserve him, do he love them truly, what can they give back...

Most of them let their pride uproot too much that it shadowed their real intention.. Making him happy...

As they watch him smile.. But now at the distance they themselves made.. They just wished that they could turn the time back to where they could slap themselves to wake within his arms, times where they were the one he focuses more.

But they can't all they can do it to stay and see him smile at others...

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