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Evangeline Juliette Love.

In last weeks Order meeting, Dumbledore had announced at the end that there would be a new member joining and that they would meet her the following week. The only thing he had told them of her was her name. Evangeline Juliette Love.

That had been seven days ago and Remus Lupin hadn't stopped thinking of her name since then. He didn't understand why but he chalked it up to curiosity, after all, who has such an extravagant name? He certainly did not.

There had been a number of Order members excited for Evangeline, talking about how they hadn't seen her in years. The main people who talked about her were Nymphadora Tonks and Bill Weasley. The two spoke loudly about her, calling her Goldie. Remus assumed it was a nickname, a rather cute one.

He wondered, as he sat by his long time best friend, Sirius Black, if the new member looked more like an Evangeline or a Goldie. He supposed he'd find out soon.

"You alright, Moony?"

Snapping his gaze, previously focused on his mug of hot chocolate, and looked to Sirius.

"Oh, yeah, just thinking," he mumbled absent-mindedly, looking back to the mug, watching the steam rise and dissipate in the warm air of the dining room.

"About?" Sirius questioned, not one to let things simply be.

"The new member Dumbledore said would be joining today," Remus responded, wrapping his scarred hands around the white mug, bringing it to his lips and blowing gently before taking a sip.

"She has an odd name, doesn't she? Evangeline Juliette Love. I can't say I've met someone with the last name Love before, have you?" Sirius mused, swirling his glass of fire whiskey around but not drinking it.

"No, Padfoot, I haven't," he answered, setting the mug down on the saucer with a clink.

The room was loud with chatter, the loudest of which coming from a few seats down where Tonks and Bill were chatting, practically buzzing with excitement.

"Do you know how Tonks knows her?" Remus asked, brows furrowed. He didn't understand why he was so intrigued by someone he hasn't even met before.

"Yeah, I asked her last week and apparently she's her best friend, both went to Hogwarts together, same house," Sirius explained.

Remus nodded, about to ask how Bill knew her when the dining room door swung open, Albus Dumbledore waltzing in, Evangeline just behind him.

Evangeline was quite possibly the most beautiful woman Remus Lupin had ever laid eyes on in his three decades of life.

Her eyes were a dark shade of brown, resembling the hot chocolate swirling around the mug in his hands, peachy skin that glowed in the golden light of the dining room,  dark brown- almost black- hair that fell in loose waves down her shoulders, reaching just below her shoulder blades. Her features were angled, high cheek bones, a slim, button nose and rosy lips, the bottom one fuller than the top by a fair amount. She wasn't tall, not at all, hardly reaching Dumbledore's shoulder, her build lean and small.

She was dressed in a black, silk tank top, a brick red skirt that reached her mid thigh, sheer tights with small, black hearts, leather boots that stopped just bellow her knees and were scuffed, little flecks of mud on the sides, and a coat patter...

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She was dressed in a black, silk tank top, a brick red skirt that reached her mid thigh, sheer tights with small, black hearts, leather boots that stopped just bellow her knees and were scuffed, little flecks of mud on the sides, and a coat patterned with a plethora of little roses and leaves.

If you asked Remus what a fairy looked like, he would simply show you Evangeline Love.

"Apologies for running late, Miss. Love got a wee bit lost," Dumbledore chuckled, taking his seat at the head of the table, a soft smile on the man's lips.

"GOLDIE!!" Tonks shouted, jumping up excitedly from her seat next to Bill and rushing to hug her friend, throwing her arms around Evangeline.

The two giggled loudly, Evangeline wrapping her arms around Tonks, hugging her tightly back.

Remus watched the two embrace, his eyes focused on the brunette.

"You grew your hair out! I'm not sure I've ever seen it this long," Tonks exclaimed, picking up a strand of Evangeline's hair.

"And you changed your's to lavender!" She smiled back, her expression bright and happy.

"Save the chatting for later! This is an Order meeting, sit down!" Alastor Moody barked in his gruff voice, glaring at the two witches.

Evangeline giggled, following Tonks to the table. She took the only open seat, in front of Remus and in between Bill and Tonks.

The red head grinned down at her, pulling her into a quick hug, his hand lingering on her back as he pulled away.

Are they together? Remus thought to himself, watching them speak quietly to each other.

"Right, introductions can be had over dinner after the meeting, for now, let's discuss!"

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