Chapter 9 - Brontide

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Brontide - (n.) the low rumble of distant thunder.

Picture above is her outfit this chapter:)



Please meet me at my flat in Berlin at noon, we need to talk. Love you.


It'd been about two weeks since Lillian arrived at Twelve Grimmauld Place and to say they'd been an interesting two weeks was an understatement.

Sirius was acting like a complete fool half the time, saying horrible pick-up-lines, and complimenting Lillian incessantly. According to Remus, Sirius was acting the way James did towards Lily Evans when they were at Hogwarts.

Evangeline had gotten the letter from her dad that morning, and now at noon, she was heading out the door. She didn't bother telling anyone since she figured it'd just be a quick chat, that's all it ever was.

Making sure no muggle's were around to see, she slipped her wand from the pocket of her leather jacket and Apparated to her Diagon Alley flat.

She was incredibly hesitant about going there, since she had taken a Death Eater back by accident, but the only port key she had was in said flat. So, with great caution, she stepped inside, wand clutched by her side.

It was entirely silent aside from the soft thudding of her combat boots against the polished floors, sunlight streaming through the sheer, white curtains.

After clearing every room of the flat, she cast every protective charm she knew, and then she let out a sigh of relief. No Death Eaters.


aking her way to the port key, a sage green tea kettle, she briefly wondered why her dad would need to talk to her so urgently, but she set that thought aside. She'd find out soon enough.

Placing a hand on the handle of the kettle, Evangeline was sucked out of her flat in a bright flash of light and a burst of wind.

She hated port keys, hated the nauseating and tugging feeling that came with it more than anything.

Luckily, after no more than ten seconds, she was able to let go, landing with a thud in her dad's Berlin apartment.

"Dad! I'm here!" She called out, tucking her wand into her pocket and smoothing out her ruby red skirt.

Moments later, her dad strolled out from his office, dark brown hair mused and the bags under his eyes intense per usual.

"Dad, you really should try and get more sleep," Evangeline scolded, shaking her head at him.

"No hello? No good afternoon?" He clicked his tongue, a small smile playing at the edges of his lips.

"My bad," she cleared her throat loudly, "good afternoon, father dearest, how are you on this fine October noon?"

Elias Love rolled his eyes and walked over, pulling her in for a quick hug. He wasn't one for physical affection, so she knew something was off the moment he hugged her.

"You're so short, I have no idea where you got it from," he chuckled, pulling back and smiling slightly.

Her entire family was tall, her dad being 6", Elio being 6"1, her mum at 5"10, and Lillian at 5"8. Evangeline was 5"2, the shortest by far, even in her extended family.

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